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About Brasko

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  1. im not sure it would happen but an admin could just make a rule that you are only allowed to rob a bank with a certain amount of people, this would fix most of what you just spoke about in my opinion
  2. i was one of the robbers and people just keep saying 'of course there not just gonna let you get away for free' or you gave up the hostage what do you expect to happen but even before we gave the hostage up the police had already hidden a spike strip infront of our car and then continued to shoot constantly at a car with no wheels. none of us as robbers were asking for or expecting to just be allowed to get away because we had a hostage we just simply thought that there would be some sort of fun chase involved for everyone no matter if we got caught or got away. Even if a police chase had happened, tht police are still at a massive advantage of catching us because of the way the car engines work in this server, 1 succesful pit from a police car would've rendered our car completley useless and we would be forced to surrender after that but we stood a 0% chance of even thinking about escaping after that went down the way it did, it was just completley unnecassary.
  3. i get what you mean we all just find the shooting at a car on a main street very unrealistic and also unnecessary especially when police cars are faster than most other cars in the city and also you are most likely going to catch us with 1 succesful pit as our engine would stall giving the police a really easy box opportunity. we all just feel a bit disheartned at the whole situation and feel it could of played out a total different way which would be fun for both parties.
  4. they put it below the kerb we couldnt see it, very snakey and just breaks the non-rp rule imo
  5. the hostage wasnt safe when they put down the spike, he was still with us
  6. if we were robbing a bank in real life the police wouldnt go against the demands of hostage takers
  7. doesnt matter if the hostage is safe or not they used spike stips when one of the demands were not to use spike strips, that is 100% failrp, if you have a hostage you do anything in you can for the hostage takers not to harm them
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