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Everything posted by SLEEKMUFC

  1. Do you not see a huge problem in forcing players to use a specific type of vehicle to accommodate the changes though? The Blazer vehicle now goes from 100% to 0% fuel in roughly 10 minutes for non-VIP users. The Bifta isn’t much different, going from 100% to 0% fuel in roughly 30 minutes of driving for non-VIP users. So already, there’s two vehicles that have been made practically unusable for non-VIP users due to the change. There is the realistic element of having different vehicles with different fuel tank sizes. I don’t think anyone is rubbishing that idea, it is the absurd change in size of fuel tanks that is clearly the issue for many people and that is what I am suggesting gets adjusted. I also think it’s kind of unfair to say “instantly complaining” when I and others are taking our time to put together suggestions for the good of the future of this server and are certainly not dismissing the new system’s concept, just suggesting alterations that could be made to it. It takes very little time to feel the difference that the fuel system update brings and I think many other players share the same feelings that we are putting across in this thread. If you don’t want suggestions from the community then close the community suggestions section?
  2. I understand the intention behind this fuel system update and that different vehicles having different fuel tank sizes makes sense. I also appreciate the devs working on new changes to keep the server feeling fresh and I like most of the other changes that were made. However, I feel the new fuel system in it’s current state needs changing. The only reasoning I’ve heard for this change being implemented is because it’s ‘realistic’ but in it’s current state, with how fast fuel burns, it’s the complete opposite and a bad experience, especially for non-VIPs. Therefore, I am going to suggest either changing the rate at which fuel is used to a much slower rate, increasing the fuel tank sizes in vehicles, or reverting this change altogether. I don’t think it’s even a pro-gas station owner change because as far as I understand, the fuel still costs the same but the vehicles just hold a lot less. This means you might pay a few hundred dollars to refuel to 100% which just leads to having to refuel much more regularly without actually spending any more on fuel than before the change. The rate at which fuel is used, and therefore the frequency at which you are now forced to refuel, is the huge issue here and in my opinion, makes the server a lot less enjoyable. Out of curiosity and in reply to what @IAmTurtle said above, can you elaborate on what the problem is with “cars driving for hours straight without having to refuel”? Is trying to prevent that a good enough reason to justify introducing this huge disruption to many RP scenarios and practically making VIP an essential part of playing on the server to avoid it becoming a refuelling simulator? Hopefully we can get back to doing more roleplaying and less refuelling soon.
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