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About LuckyLuck997

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  1. The meeting of old friends. After some time away in prison Lucky and Mike decided to meet up and see where their organization is standing in the city. No long after meeting up Lucky decided to take Mikes new car for a test drive and ended up in a police chase across the city of Los Santos unfortunately there was to many coppers around and Lucky was once again locked up for 2months. Mike reached out to his other brother Richard Cyga and they have met up at the top of the construction site and they remembered the good old days. Albanian History The Albani Gang or Albanian organised crime are the general terms used for criminal organisations based in Albania or composed of ethnic Albanians. Albanian organised crime is active in San Andreas,Europe, North America, South America and various other parts of the world including the Middle East and Asia. The Albanian Gang participates in a diverse range of criminal enterprises including trafficking in drugs, arms, humans, and human organs. The Albanian criminal scenario is characterised by diversified criminal plans which, in their complexity, show one of the highest criminal capacities in the world. The Albanian mafia has monopolised various international affiliations from as far east as Israel, to as far west as San Andreas . These reports primarily indicate a strong connection between politicians and various Albanian mafia families. The Albanian mafia, in its entirety, constitutes one of the highest crime generating elements in the world, combining the "traditional" characteristics – plainly manifest in the rigid internal discipline, in the clan structure, in the "endogamic closure" (marrying within the organization) which increases the impermeability, the reliability and the endogenous (internal) solidity – with modern and innovative elements, such as trans-nationality, commercial imprinting and the criminogenous culture of service. The massive logistics to almost anywhere and the syncretic (diverse) nature of Albanian crime has facilitated its establishment outside the mother country and its integration with the local criminality, exploiting the opportunities inherent in the entire compatriot network.Involvement in Goverment Organized crime became widespread in Albania during the early 90s, after the fall of communism. Blackmail, intimidation and racketeering became commonplace. A 2003 report by the Office of the Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe remarks that "Albania is the paradise for the illegal trade. Neither state nor police present problem for the drug chiefs: you can buy politicians and it is not rare when a leader of the criminal gang works in some state institution". Albanian gang groups are often involved in both criminal and political activities in order to influence political developments.The have talked and plans were made to come back into the city and once again cause havoc and destruction and continue supplying the best cocaine in the city of Los Santos.
  2. GangAlbani (South side Albanians) is Backa lot of changes and new plans to come ...
  3. Albani is Back !!! Albani have returned to the city with the new property and new plans. They will be making massive entry back into the city. Trying to regain their reputation. Restore connection. And finish their enemies.
  4. Another day another dollar. "Albani" took another opportunity to make money and took control of a drug lab with firearms to defend themselves. "Albani" decided to plant some marihuana plants and make them into bags and sell for a quick cash flow. It was going very well untill some guy came up and was looking for trouble. "Albani" couldn't wait any longer they had to put him down on his knees and take controll of him. We searched him for any firearms that could put "Albani" in danger. We took a knife off him so "Albani" wouldn't be in danger and we let him go and never mess with "Albani" again. It was a good day for "Albani" they cooked 60 marihuana bags ready to sell and over 100 plants ready to cook "Albanian" Cocaine.
  5. Qucik Cash "Alabni" took over advantage as they Los Santos was very quiet over the last few days, "Albani" decided to make a bit of quick cash while having some fun at the same time. All of the "Albani" members love nice cars they decided to catch up on car robberies, they had a big experience on it as they were involved in large car-theft-rings before. "Albani" decided not to waste time and why not try it in Los Santos. Lucky decided to show the guys the proper way how he was thught by professionals. The car was successful picklocked in a first try and it was on it's way to the chop-shop. car was chopped without any problems it was time for another one... Another one was very easily picklocked and it was ready to chop. This night after 12 successfuly choped cars "Albani" made around $50-$60k
  6. Getting Started (First Costumer) As "Albani" has ability to order guns from Albani they decided to try sell them around the Los Santos City and make profit out of it as in Los Santos everything is more expensive. Lucky was in one of the apartaments enjoying his life while the rest of the "Albani" guys were rubbernecking the streets. Lucky got a text message from a random phone number saying that hes is looking for some good mainly Pomp Shotgun's. Lucky was a bit warried as it was a random number so he decided to ask the guys on the radio if any one was looking for any guns as he got a tex message from a random number saying that he got a phone number from one of our guys. One of the guy agrred that it was him and that he has a gun that wants to buy few guns. Lucky texted the guy that was looking for the guns to wait at the bank with the cash ready and one of the "Albani" guys will pick him up and bring him up to the location where we will make a deal. Lucky Couldn't wait any longer , he took his car and went up to the Stash Hause to get the supplies needed. Lucky prepared everything in a big sports bag so if its zipped up you cant see whats inside and its safe to carry with out getting stopped by cops . Lucky waiting for the guys to arrive and collect the supplies. While Mike went up to the bank to bring the guy up to the location set up. It was easy mission for Mike that day as he had only 3 things to do 1. Find a guy in a green jacket at the bank 2. Bring him up to the location set up and 3. Make sure he is not followed by cops. Mikes mission was completed they arrived after a while. It was time to make a quick deal and leave the place before cops show up. Guys shook their hands to show respect and begun talking about the deal. The deal was made quick and without any bigger problems. It was a qucik and quite easy way for "Albani" to make money. First step into selling "Albanian" weapons in Los Santos was successful.
  7. An Old Friend Lucky received an unexpected call from an old but good friend from Albania. They really had to meet up with each other, as they didn't see each other for a very long time. Last time they saw each other was when they were operating a gang in the EU, mainly Poland. As Lucky got arrested over in Poland and after spending 25 years behind the bars, their friendship drifted which is why they had to meet up and renew the good relation and possibly tempt him into joining him in Los Santos. Lucky didn't think much about it as he went to his apartment and took his bag full of cash that he had saved up for this rainy day... Lucky called Jules, a higher-up in Albani and said "pick me up from the bank I need a lift to the airport I have a flight to Albania in 1hour. I got to do some business for our future in LS. You are taking care of the guys until I come back" Jules was absolutely shocked about the news from Lucky; he didn’t know what to say. Lucky waiting at the bank and thinking if he is taking the right step, going over the quotes he had heard when he was a kid "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." this quote motivated him and he was ready to fight for a better life for his guys in Los Santos. He took a big breath and he closed his eyes and heard BEEP; it was Jules with Rico In a Rebla. Lucky picked up his bag from the ground and went up to the car. They got in to the car they had put the seat belts on and they were ready to go. On the way to the airport guys were joking laughing speding the last few minutes together as best as the could. As they arrived to the airport plane was already waiting for Lucky guys didn't have much time to talk. they shook hands to show a big respect to each other . Lucky checked his pockets he took out his passport and his ticket for the flight and he was ready to go. Lucky was set off on a journey to renew his very good old friendship and to establish heavy weaponry and maybe some good drugs cooking equipment access. Lucky's Plan was to export cheap heavy weapons for (shotguns and SMGs) and drug cooking equipment to finally start making high quality 100% Clear Albanian Cocaine and fill up the Los Santos streets with it. After a few hours of sitting in the plane and drinking, Lucky finally arrived. Lucky went up to the hotel to relax after a long journey. After a night spend in the hotel room Lucky got a message on his phone with the name of the location. After arriving to the location, it turned out it was his friend’s private little pub – a very nice and quiet place to meet up with people and talk about the business after a few drinks and few lines of High Quality Albanian Cocaine. It was time to talk about real business that will benefit both. After negotiations they have finally made a great deal. It was time to invest some cash to get more cash out of it and to hand the bag over with the cash inside to a real business man that over that many years he didn't forget me and took his hand out to help me out and my family (Gang Albani) in the Los Santos. They have spend the whole night drinking and talking about good memories they had and the future plans they both have... The next morning it was time for Lucky to go back to Los Santos as he left the guys for few days and he was warried about them. Lucky and his friend organised a privated plane that will bring Lucky and the all the new supplies Lucky has got for the guys. Lucky texted jules on his phone that he will be back in few hours with few gifts and to make sure there will be few guys ready to secure and protect the transport. Lucky has arrived back to Los Santos he was proud of Jules as he managed to organise everything. As Lucky left the plane and the "Albani"guys were already waiting leaning against the cars ready to help to protect and secure the transport while being transported to a safe place. Lucky was very surprised and impressed that when he was way guys still managed to cooperate with each other and treat each other like a family. This proves that Albani is something more than just a normal gang. The whole transport arrived nothing was missing. It was time to carefully transport it so it will we will not get stopped by cops or the other gangs. After arriving to one of the store hauses and putting everythink to the safes we can say the mission was successful.
  8. Meeting and Recruting. Very quiet day for "Albani" today they got a phone call of their good old friends Liv and Violet two females that wanted to join "Albani" as they were very good friends with "Albani" specially with on of the higher commands Arah , Lucky couldn't say no to the beautiful ladies that wanted to join "Albani" and were ready to fight for "Albani". After recruiting all of the "Albani" members had a nice chat and a bit of laugh about current situation in Los Santos. As lots of things have changed in the last few weeks ...
  9. Party Time Mike have received a text message from Collie about their new Bar Steamboad Beers that just opened tonight in the City. They were little weary about the text as they suspected it could be a trap to capture the leaders of Albani. After long conversation with the group Albani decided that its time to relax and enjoy some party with alcohol. The Irish tunes where playing Jaymes was smashing hits in the DJ booth. After heavy alcohol and drug consumption it was time to get into the car and drive home. And hope for the best that the cops won’t stop us. It took us solid 40 minutes to get back to the apartment. The two leaders stumbled out of Mikes car and made their way up the stairs when Lucky faceplanted the wall after running and tripping over his own feet. Both Mike and Lucky were delighted that the elevator in the apartment was fixed and they did not need to take the stairs. When they arrived on the floor of their apartment Lucky pushed Mike and he faceplanted the door before managing to open it It was time for bed and sober up. Mike started thinking and decided that going to bed would be a waste of time and he decided to grab a shower And brush his teeth And he made his way up to his brand new lab which contains 50 coke tables and it was time for some heavy drug making. The idea came to his head after visiting the club and realising that there is a lack of drugs that are being sold on the streets so Mike and Lucky decided to start cooking and flood the streets with drugs. The plan is to produce 600crack for sale and supply.
  10. Blood In Blood Out Before one joins Gang Albani, they pledge loyalty to the gang and pledge their life for the organization. We always ask the prospect if they are fully committed to joining as confirmation. We ask because there is simply no turning back once we shake hands soaked in his/her blood. It is essentially a contract – an oath where you spill your own blood to join. To leave, we expect to spill your blood ourselves. David began prospecting for us and after what seemed like a promising trial period, we felt he was ready to join the family after fully showing his commitment over the few weeks. We conducted his initiation process and he was now one of us. He knew there would be no turning back now. We reiterated this point to him several times during his time as a prospect. We expected no less than full commitment to the organization. A few days ago, we received reports that he had disrespected one of our brethren and showed signs of faltering to the pressures of being in an organization that expects 100% from its members. We knew it was a wrap for David and we called for a meeting of all members available in the city to meet at the city’s cemetery. The location felt fitting for what was about to come next. Once everyone was gathered at the scene, I personally brought David to his future gravesite. I told him to go into the ditch and he began crying for mercy – for a second chance to redeem himself. But we all knew his heart was no longer in it and I could do nothing but smirk as he began crying for his life. I drew my pistol and held it up against his forehead. I could see in his eyes that he had come to terms with what would await him next. I thought for a second of the good times we had together, but rules are rules. We had to show what happens when one becomes complacent and begins disobeying the orders of the command. I asked him if he had any last words. He uttered nothing but the same old drivel about having another chance at life. I looked straight into his eyes and pulled the trigger.
  11. Harvesting Time. Thanks to our friends in the city that have passed the message over to us. Apparently Albani will not be able to enter the Northern parts of San Andreas due to council banning us for our recent encounters with the Irish and the Council. They made it noticeably clear to us that they are not our friends and they will not be friendly with us. Very bold statements were made by the council that we will not be able to get plants and the only thing we will be doing is fishing. The four high members of Albani organisation decided to take things into their own hands and do the exact opposite. They could not listen to disrespect and they do not like to be given orders. The Albani members live by strict rules of respect. Albani is not looking for any conflicts with other organisations, but Albani will not sit and get disrespected and bullied by other organisation. They took their Pumps, Aks, and .50 and made their way to the labs and started collecting plants. The four members were hitting every single lab constantly and camped out at Braddox and Chilliad to plant and harvest. They have come prepared and were there to stay. No force or gang was able to stop them and destroy their plans. Albani needed a good cash injection to be able to supply their gang with more weapons to defend themselves. They are being attacked by more or less the four largest organisations in the city, yet they are still holding strong and will never give up. After a long day at the labs, Albani managed to gather 288 plants and after turning them into illegal substances, they will be able to bring in a big cash injection of approx. 225.000$.
  12. Albani Out On The Investigation. It was time to organise a meeting and inform all the albani members that there is someone snitching on them. All of the "Albani" went for a little investigation to find out who is the one snitching as it is unacceptable to cooperate with cops. Thats the gang rule that "Albani" has. After a while of going around the city they pulled up to the bank, a minute after a guy on a "dark green drag showed up with green camo T-Shirt , gray pants and white shoes" he was recognised by his colours that he is one of the "Daichead Gadaí" known as Irish gang member. He immediately took his phone out and called the cops saying "Bunch of guys at the bank with illegal firearms dressed white"when he saw "Albani" If they call them selfs a "gang" they showed absolutely 0 respect and 0 rules. Next morning "Albani" was coming back from Palito on the way back they meet "Lexi" one of the Irish Gang members and also our very close friend. "Albani" stopped for a little chat to discuss the situation that happened yesterday, Lexi got in to "Albani's" car to talk so there will be no one that could hear the conversation. After a while on the middle of the conversation Lexi took her phone out and started to call cops on "Albani" saying that shes getting hidnapped with wasn't true. "Albani" ended up pulling over to the side of the road puting her on a gun point to cancle the phone call. We are sure that they are the people that are snitching on "Albani" and the other gangs in the City.
  13. Tough Time Has Came As "Albani" got very well known by most of the people in Los Santos in a very short time. Albani grew quite big in a short period of time all of them are serious criminals that emigrated to Los Santos to make more money. Over the last few weeks all of the albani members were involved in drug cooking, mainly cooking Cocaine,Heroine and MDMA know as (ecstasy). Thats when the tough time has came. Someone snitched on "Albani" It was a typical evening for albani it was time to get in to the balaclavasand show up on the streets. Richie one of the albani higher demands was going in to the shop and he got stopped by the detectives and they questioned him "what gang is he in" "if he is one of the albani members" and they were also questioning him more questions about the other gangs. Richie was told that the got all the informations about us and if he will not cooperate with them he will be under arrest , of course richie showed his character and his real "albanian"blood and he didnt even say a word. Richie decided to protect his family and he got 1year for it. The next morning Lucky decided to go and visit his younger brother in the jail. Lucky was just outside the gate and he got pulled over by SWAT as they were looking for him to check him and his car if he has any illegal substances. That they Lucky got very lucky as he didnt have anything on him as he was only going to visit his brother in jail. 3 hours later Lucky was doing some cocaine materials bussines just after collecting the package 6 cops cars and SWAT came up they finally got him after a long investigation. Lucky got 3 years in jail. All the Albani is waiting for Richie and Lucky to get out so they can start the investigation with them who snitched on "Albani" and hopefully find the people that snitched and and punish them as it should be done.
  14. Our Current Gang Relations
  15. Drugs Cooking The time has come for Albani to start making money by cooking illegal drugs mainly cocaine ,MDMA and amphetamine just like they did in 1990s before arriving to Los Santos as they were very popular and well known for drug trafficking. they had all the labs in different locations around the Los Santos set up ready to make money. they have been working hard to keep a secret and protect it from any enemies. We have turned one of the apartments into one of the labs. With security doors in place for extra security. When you enter the labs you will see that there is a lot of room for tables to be places and for Albani to make a lot of money. The safes were carefully placed on the wall so we can store all of our supplies in a safe place. The tables were bought and shipped to us , and the vents were installed. The only thing that’s left to do is to gather materials and start cooking. Ower one night of cooking Albani made a profit of over $250k This was by far one of the most profitable nights for Albani a lot more cooking to come.
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