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About Heisenberg65

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  1. -1 this will be completely abused to afk, doesnt seem real too
  2. I agree, I totally agree. If they don't like removing the limit they might adjust it to like 2 pistols a day so it will be fair if someone want to stash 2 guns a day.
  3. IRL you'd notice the heat coming up without interacting with the source, like you would feel it, or see the smoke. My suggestion is to add smoke starts to come up from the tables, starts with very low amount of smoke and it keeps going darker or bigger. Or we have an indication above the table shows its heat, maybe the 'pourwater' order has some colors, cyan for cold, orange for starting to get warm, red for hot The UI already appears when you're close the the table so we would RPly feeling the heat without clicking on check heat, this makes us able to get rid of check heat button. Also we may need some furniture to slow down the heat, like Air Condition system with a bigger radius than the vents (as its already too small) this would help the tables to get hot in longer time.
  4. Well, its always very hard to remove the item you want, some day I removed all my house furniture before I remove the item I want. the easy way is to add a /listfurniture command, this command prints all the furniture near you or all the furniture in the house and you choose which one you really want to remove. E.g: 1- Chair1 2-Chair2 3-Sofa /removefurniture 2 .. this removes the chair 2 without removing any other furnitures.
  5. Thanks for adding dismantle in the new UI. The change is because we dont use it everyday, like you wont get raided every day so it needs to be in the menu like that, I pressed it by mistake like 5 times while cooking and I have to do the installation process from the beginning. So just remove it, or make a confirmation for it, like you need to press on it twice and get a confirmation message to be able to dismantle it.
  6. I just don't get it, we can refill water and drink it from the ocean and not from own houses? Just would like to be able to refill my water bottle from my kitchen and bathroom, it would be much better than dinking from the ocean. If its hard to add it in every interior by the script, then we can just buy it from the furniture store and install it in our bathrooms.
  7. He got A&K means the kicker is K, you got K&A, means the kicker is A, so in this case he has the higher cards
  8. image link is broken and id you both has the same cards then the card type matters, like A Spades is higher thank A clubs
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