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Posts posted by Nexuus

  1. -1

    I agree that cutting somebody's hair publicly and with no reason is quite unrealistic.
    However, if you are going to sit in a drug lab and expect no repercussions and complain if your hair gets cut, then simply don't go back or learn to avoid situations or locations that may lead to hostility. I have had my haircut once in my 2000 hours playing and it's done as a form of humiliation rather than done to be sexist and racist, as stated above, don't get into situations that may lead to hostility. Furthermore, trying to make this another OOC consent thing is just ridiculous, it is just another blockade for players to protect themselves behind to prevent them taking a form of loss. 

    oh lastly, it costs like $1000 for a new hair style... 

  2. +1

    Makes no sense for people to be constantly punished for this when there is script allowance behind it and the only announcement I have personally seen regarding this is, 'shouting' is considered to be Non-roleplay and nothing regarding normal use of text chat up until this morning. 

  3. Date and time (provide timezone): 23/12/2020 14:45 UTC

    Character name: Enzo Volkov

    Issue/bug you are reporting: Unable to shoot from a car unless you have your gun already equipped whilst getting inside a car. 

    Expected behaviour: Upon getting inside a car without having your gun in your hands, every other player see you only point your middle finger rather than your gun.   

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 

    My POV: https://streamable.com/o7t2xz

    Friend POV: https://streamable.com/n7eexv

    As clearly seen from other players POV's I am not shooting a weapon and just flipping off a finger.


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  4. Sad to see that it's come to this, always had positive interactions with you ICly and OCCly . Genuinely a shame that it has come to this, players like yourself and many other of my friends getting banned for 'cheating' without any proof and is the sole reason I've stopped playing. Hope this gets fixed soon so I can enjoy the game with you lot again. ❤️

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  5. +1 Doesn't make sense for this many people to get banned on a ROLEPLAY server, let's not forget the fact this isn't a FPS game and there is hardly any gain in even cheating on this server. I could slightly understand if it was just criminals who where receiving these bans as they are the ones who are mainly involved in daily shootouts and cheating would somewhat help them gain an advantage but the fact I've now seen some people who are just here for the roleplay, PD players, DOC guards and fishermen! it doesn't really add up. Furthermore, It doesn't feel like it's even being taken fairly, people are being told to appeal with honesty, but when they appeal, they are made out like they are lying and a fool even if they are genuinely honest and I can assure you some of these players that I am close with did not cheat. Lastly, none of these appeals have even had any proof surrounding them other than the fact that the 'cheat' was detected and the appeal is denied, I'm no genius but this certainly isn't some major corporation anti-cheat system and the likely hood that there are flaws in the system or false detections is highly likely, these are all just claims from myself and you may have the best anti cheat in the world who knows! A lot of people including myself hardly even want to log in after having long time friends / community members just banned...

  6. +1 

    New NLR rules remove all future potential RP with an opposing gang / faction, basically meaning no repercussions for said actions if deaths are involved. Furthermore another way to seek protection from rules as we have already seen in the past few days and undoubtedly will be continuously used to ruleplay certain situations in the future. Overall just limits criminal RP once again and limits what we can do as criminals, as currently there is very little to do anyway.

  7. +1  

    I fail to see any negatives of bringing these back as the current labs serve little to no purpose as the cooking times / amount of tables inside the labs offer nothing but high risk - low reward.

    Furthermore this brings me onto the recent update regarding drug tables, I’ve had no positive feedback regarding this and been constantly told that people’s labs are blowing up even whilst tables are cooled, since the update myself and the majority of others haven’t even bothered to cook due to it now being high risk - med / low reward depending on how many drugs you can actually make before your tables randomly decide to blow up, considering the investment involved into purchasing your own lab which at street price for 10 tables and 1 vent would be around 200k, then the house / apartment that you need to cook in, bringing the total to around 400-500k just to even make a decent amount from cooking. That’s not taking into account all the other miscellaneous items to cook with and time it takes to get them.

    Along with that, just in general nowadays there just isn’t a way to make a good amount of money and everything in my opinion is high risk - low reward. 

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  8. Big -1

    First reason being the fact that I feel criminals are already punished enough as it is when being jailed, as a normal jail sentence for me would consist of around 15-20k in fines and 2-3 hours served (irl time ofc) along with the vehicle that I'm using impounded, which comes with fees also and of course the items on myself.

    Furthermore your suggestion about us losing 15% of our savings is not needed at all, the majority of people who end up actually going to jail for crimes are usually fairly new players who don't yet have the funds to buy expensive and fast cars that have the ability to evade police with ease so with that being said it would easily demotivate plenty of people to continue on with the criminal life.

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  9. Date and time (provide timezone): None needed as this is a permanent issue 

    Character name: Enzo_Volkov

    Issue/bug you are reporting: When a player is killed with either full volume or no space in an inventory the guns they have disappear.

    Expected behavior:  Guns should drop onto the ground or appear in the players inventory regardless to how much they have on them.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Either have a full inventory or 50/50 volume and upon death items in your weapon bar will disappear 

    Evidence: https://streamable.com/xiu0xg : both players had micro smg's and .50's on them and they just vanished. This has happened multiple times to me and these are just the ones I saved. Hope this gets fixed soon as it's fairly annoying.

    Edit: few hours later the same issue occurred - https://streamable.com/bzyhrj

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