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Everything posted by Amir

  1. Hey everybody, Just a little background information from me before I begin. I have been playing SA-MP for about 5 years and I have also been playing a light RP server for about 3 or 4 years. On that server I was director of gang management, a high ranking admin and held a racing family for a significant amount of time. These suggestions that I am putting forward are simply some of the stuff which I found was useful for everyone on the server and helped build the community. These suggestions are for everyone to discuss and add to as they please. I would also like to say that I have been looking for a light RP server on GTA:V for a very long time and this has the base script to go very far and is already becoming a successful role play server in my opinion. Now onto the suggestions. Trucker Radio This would be a simple command (/tr) which allows all truckers in a truck to use a radio. This radio would be IC and would allow information to be passed between truckers and can also be used for some friendly conversation. For example, "/tr There is a roadblock near the PD, try using an alternative route around the side to deliver goods to the Binco". Showing groups in family radio Currently families have /fc which allows them to speak with a radio to each other. Although it is IC, it would be nice to show which group that member belongs to, in order to enforce authority etc. They could be set up like: [Radio] (Leader) Subz_Villain: Hello newcomers!. Phones Phones can be bought at any convenience store and a phone number is automatically assigned. The length of the phone number can be 4-8 digits long. This allows texts to be sent to people or private phone calls made, providing they know someones phone number. However, when speaking on the phone, it can still be heard by surrounding members of public so any real private calls will still need to be made in a private conversation. (The other person on the phone still will not be able to be heard) Advertisement stores These can be small player owned business which allow ads to be places by members of the public. A 'cheap' add can be placed where players can go inside the ad store, look at the notice board, and see a list of those ads. An 'expensive' add can be bought which shows a server broadcast which the ad. A phone number is required to place an ad so users can enquirer about the add. Global ads will need to be legal as LSPD can respond to an illegal ad and use the ad as evidence. For example "Selling a nice custom fitted Elegy. Call me for prices. -Amir_Villain (ph:12345)" Materials and gun crafting This could incorporate the iron and copper bars already in the game, but some sort of crafting method for civilians to create their own illegal weapons. Better guns need more resources and all guns crafted this way will be illegal. I guess a weapon ID can be assigned to legal guns, and illegal guns would have no ID, meaning they are illegal. This would add a secure means of checking by the police rather than just RPing it. Point Point is an OOC activity which families take part to control certain landmarks. A capture point will become active within the boundaries of the landmark and families will have to capture and hold the point for 10 minutes to hold the point for 12-23hrs. During that time, the landmark accumulates cash, depending on the landmark. Family leaders can then withdraw the money and use it as they please. Factions and civilians will not be allowed to participate.
  2. There should be some sort of IC way to legally change your name for a fee. Same thing goes for changing your looks through a plastic surgeon. Prices can be debatable. Name change shouldn't be very expensive ($10k?) but plastic surgeon should be IMO ($50k-$70k?).
  3. Amir

    stock market

    Would player owned business be able to set their stock price themselves or be managed by some sort of script? I like the idea of takeovers through stock.
  4. There could be a toggle to show/unshow global chat so that people who want to see global can.
  5. Amir


    Paycheck also gave you interest from your bank balance and also some money which can scale depending on your exp. Its a good way to keep new players playing as they will be inclined to stay for paycheck bonus money.
  6. Amir


    This is a simple paycheck system where every hour, you sign a paycheck. A popup would appear saying something along the lines of "Your paycheck is ready to collect, type /paycheck to receive it". The money from the paycheck is then added to your bank. To accumulate the money in the paycheck would be to do legal jobs. All the money added from the jobs would be added to the paycheck and at the end of the hour, you receive the money straight to the bank.
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