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Posts posted by Illmohim

  1. 5 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    I think that we should wait for the gun update and see what that does to the economy prior to making changes. I should also note that in the past week since the Island update came out, there's been non-stop heavies and kevlar on almost everyone there, so I'm not sure that equipment is overpriced.

    People have just saved weaponry till now, saved for years. So cannot really say equipment isnt overpriced when 100AP is 40k or an ak is 40k which you can lost in minutes. 

    • Like 1
  2. First 1&2 G : Pink Dino Send Offers

    Third 1G: Clinton Avenue Behind Bank (Meteor St. 31)

    Fourth 1G: Motel at route 68 in front of fleeca bank

    Fifth 1G: Motel at LSPD Impound

    Sixth 1G: Vespucci House tucked for stash house

    Seventh 1G: MurdaBlock HQ

    • NAY 1
    • dead 1
  3. Weapon Sound Mods should not be allowed, I don't know if this topic was discussed before but weapon sound mods make other players hear gunshots from very far away unlike other players, this has caused many RP scenarios to be ruined. An example of this would be SD outside sea lab but magically hear gun shots inside as they have extended hearing due to the sound mods which ruins RP scenarios. Personally just a problem of mine its not very major but would be nice if changed. 

    • Confused 1
  4. 3 hours ago, TheCactus said:

    I believe that snitching is a smart way to take attention off yourself in certain situations or have rival organizations suffer major losses. Thing is criminals snitch too much on Eclipse and they do it even when they gain nothing from it and/or police attention will only be a nuissance for the party they are snitching on.
    Snitching is like a cardinal sin in the criminal underworld even if it's against your enemies. Criminal roleplayers call the cops way too frequently.

    P.S.: @Herbo I understand your point but what's your suggestion?

    There should be no suggestion lol, its literally all IC. If you want to cry about it you can cry but nothing will happen as all actions are IC and not OOC. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Vixxey said:

    Drag is fine. Nobody has even complained since steering was improved after the first nerf. I can't believe you're tryna bring back the Drag talk again in 2022 xddd

    You can still evade cops in a Drag, no problem. If there's anything going wrong in your evading, it's on you, not the bike.

    I clearly said you can evade cops easily with any bike. Idk if you can read lol. 

  6. Legit, spent 2.2 M on a bike that barely distinguishes itself from other bikes? Legit 20 Km/h Higher that's it. Spins as if your doing donuts when you try to accelerate and doesn't turn. It is around 1.45M for a drag now and a shinobi is legit 500k maybe less and can be bought for credits. People that worked for their money and chose to spend it on a drag + The drag is a vehicle that cannot be obtained easily as it is not found in dealerships anymore. 

    No reason for it to be nerfed in the first place, Cops will still be able to catch up and stay on you even though cops are easy to lose on any bike. Other PD members used to bring their own drag on chases if they were at a high enough rank. Don't see any reason for this nerf as it just limits those of which have bought the vehicle. 

    The reason I'm making this isn't because I got caught anytime or because of any RP scenario. Of course it had some RP scenarios behind it but the bike doesn't turn much either. Okay you guys removed a lot of the nerf where you cannot steer but the bike has no value to it anymore. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Bala said:

    As for the player count, to be honest with you, there was a global pandemic. People had nothing to do but sit home and play video games so of course the population was high.

    I fucking hated when we had 500-600 people on the server and you know why? Because it was chaos, the amount of rulebreakers and poor roleplayers that were running around was awful. There is only a very small collection of servers that can maintain a high standard and a high player count. For us, I think the support staff were overwhelmed with apps and the standard got away from them.

    There is no RP, and no it wasn't only because of the pandemic. the server right now at these early times can easily achieve 250 but were sitting at 95. I know so many people of which have been banned and its kind of sad. They play games and if they were given the chance to play ECRP they would but they cant. 

    The pandemic is still here and yes there is no quarantine but people still play games mate. ECRP can achieve way more with leniency and you say all of that about "quality of RP" but I can tell you a fact that everyone wishes ECRP was back as it was. It wasn't chaos it was quite frankly normal, FiveM is chaos or the other RP servers on Rage are chaos, ECRP only provided fun for those who play it and I can only speak for myself but those 500-600 peak times were the best thing that happened to eclipse in my opinion. 

  8. +1

    ECRP is not the same as before, when I had joined the server peaked and you would RP with everyone, as Wellers had stated I get pulled over for going 10 over the speed limit and 2 seconds later I have air 1, jugular and 3 scouts waiting behind me for 0 reasoning. Everyone is bored, updates are nice but wont increase player count. the old player base was very good and I understand you don't want to unban people like LTU as there is over 100+ pages of bans but ECRP is on a steady decline, you guys say Quality < Quantity and I respect that but with the Quantity in an RP server like eclipse comes the Quality. 

    The server had lost so many valuable people and people of which have contributed to the community positively just to get banned for the slightest of punishments. I hope you guys do go over this thread and think about everything overall. The server is amazing its just there is no quality RP as there is no RP at all. I log in for 2-3 Hours just to drive around and go park and then turn off the game. 

    The server was good as it was back then and I believe the strictness of the server should go down to some extent even if it was rules or the quality of RP or even the amount of punishments, The server is there to provide fun for those playing and now people are just walking around or driving around aimlessly. We appreciate everything your doing but we hop you do take this into consideration. 

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