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Posts posted by ViktorShaw

  1. Would be nice to have a way on high end to directly transfer the vehicle, including the taxes and the 1.5k you need to pay. instead of having to wait for space or go up Paleto, something like /vehicleinstasell ID Amount (costing 1.5k as usual) and the person having to be near you, this could make people go together to LSC or Bayview to see the mods of the car then go to high end do the transfer or if not doing a direct transfer, and risking get scammed or fined for tax evasion.

    (This could also work at low end for 500$ with a limit to the stock price of the vehicle you're trying to sell)

    Bear in mind that this is not a big issue but just a quicker way to sell/buy vehicles legally.

  2. -1, but if you would talk about a respawn time, like there is in another servers, it could be considered as a punishment and the player would probably be more careful, make it around 2 minutes to respawn, I think that would be a nice feature other than fines.

  3. I would say, make orders small or faster to fill up and add fictitious orders (scripted orders) that didn't payed as much as the normal ones but that were faster, so that people that wanted to truck could do it as long as they wanted to, like other jobs.

  4. Was thinking about this and want to see if anyone else would like to see or not: AFK status command.

    I will try to explain why I tought about. So let's say someone is on duty as a medic for example and want to go open the door, go to the bathroom or something and he will have to say "be right back" on the faction chat and someone comes and ask for a painkiller, wants to roleplay, etc, but doesn't know if he is there, etc.


    What I would like to see is a command that a player can do once in a hour of once in two hours, something like that, that makes the player instantly afk (not able to count for the salary) and with a sign near his ID for other to see he is so. This could only last 1/2 minutes, could not be used if the person had already initiated any roleplay situation, and if any person used this with other intention than briefly take an important break, being seen as exploiting server script and face the consequences.


    Just a thing I was thinking about, don't hate me for doing so. Would like to know your toughts, good day everyone. ^^


  5. Viktor Shaw's History...

    (The Deputy)

    Viktor Shaw, the first of his academy, a man that always took his job seriously, being it as a force of the law, as a medic or as a mere taxi driver.


    The problem was that in this city, the justice was too benevolent for his taste, and following the protocols, rules, laws and general procedures to any type of situation was not enough.

    What can a man do when he is faced with such wall, you say.

    Viktor said fuck it. "If the law isn't enough, I might as well bend it if I need to."

    He then delivered his badge, and locked up both his partners for the last time, his Remington and Desert Eagle.




    It was time to embrace his new life, and so he did. 

    He went to talk with the Triads and by coincidence caught Vory raiding their HQ. He was caught in the crossfire and the only way he could get out was by helping the Triads.

    He rammed one Vory, shot down multiple and managed to save a Triad life by CPRing him.




    He then got the information of a street gang, more of a fit for someone that is starting a criminal life, and that was recruiting.

    His Comet had the destination, Grove Street. He went there immediatly and there he knew the man that was going to be responsible for his recruitment, Billy Lawnmeyer, a Hood Boss.


    He, together with a Balla By Nature, Josh Weathmeer, made sure to be 100% sure that Viktor was not a undercover cop or anything like that.


    Viktor was now a Balla.



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  6. Date and time (provide timezone):  16/02/2020 15:30 (GMT)

    Character name: Viktor Shaw

    Issue/bug you are reporting: After I take my novak out of the garage/parking lot or when I take my eyes out of it for a long time, it kinda have its trunk open.

    Expected behavior:  The vehicle should spawn with the trunk closed

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: As asked by Aeios, and tested with Emulsify, tried to park it in different parking lots, garage, unlocked, locked and its still the same

    Vehicle license plate number*: PTSY730T


    Sem título.png

  7. Date: 16/01/2020 GMT

    Name: Viktor Shaw

    Bug you are reporting: Me and my friend were trying to farm on the Osvaldon's farm but it only allows 1 person at a time, saying there are no more fields available. We relogged several times, tried while one was working and the other don't and nothing works.

    Expected behavior: There is plenty of space on Osvaldon's farm, but somehow it only allows 1 field to be working on.



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