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Posts posted by Osborn

  1. (( http://gov.eclipse-rp.net.

    We're looking for players that are interested in joining a faction that enforces quality role-play with high standards. If you are new to role-playing but know the fundamentals of it, do not fear, you will learn, adapt and enhance your role-play and other skills in the faction.

    We're all acting as a fictional character in the Los Santos Police Department, there may be times when another character yells are you but this is entirely In Character and doesn't represent the OOC image of the person. 

    Are you below the required character experience? Contact Captain Micky Reefer and talk about an exception.

    For players that intend on joining the faction on an alt, we currently require that you spend at least 75% of your total play time on your police character. We are currently reviewing the bar and whether we need to change it.

    Got any OOC questions? Feel free to contact a member of LSPD Command through the government forums. ))

  2. 7 hours ago, Spergburger said:

    How has the other one been nerfed into the ground? What's wrong with it?


    It was nerfed because previously, its distance was too great so we'd get scan results of cars on opposite side of objects. We can no longer use it for stationary speed straps.

    A hand-held radar gun would work differently than our ALPR/mini MDC, we wouldn't actually get somebody's license plate with it.

  3. PD would like to have a handheld radar gun scripted since our ALPR system has been nerfed to the ground. A handheld radar gun simply just shows us the speed of a vehicle using the Doppler effect. This would allow us to do speed traps. 

    Allow us to adjust the settings of the handheld radar gun so we can set the speed limit of the road we're on. When a vehicle is calibrated to be moving above the speed limit, it'd alert us and make the result freeze, and it wouldn't reset automatically, we'd type a command to reset it so that we can check the speed of vehicles again.

    Let us use a command to show players the results of the radar gun. 

    Image result for handheld radar gun

    • Upvote 1
  4. +1 only if these judiciary positions are filled with people with actual knowledge of the justice system In Real Life. We've always been open to these things, but it's mainly been people with no experience wanting to judge and become lawyers defending their friends. It'd be a long process to implement though, we have no DOJ documents on the server.

    We'd also need a courthouse interior mapped (not too difficult, I could map it now that I've got custom objects on Map Editor). 

  5. - Reduce the type of fish you get from the fishing pier.
    - Add boat fishing, if someone owns a boat, they can go out the ocean and catch bigger fish that yields bigger income. 
    - Add fish quality, an RNG aspect that can turn fish bad if you don't sell it fast enough. 
    - Add a small minigame to fishing to encourage people to actually play the game and have more fun whilst doing so. (Like, you caught a fish! Press Q.... Press E.... Press R....)
    - Make people buy fishing roads & fish bait from general stores. Add a durability to fishing rods so that they need to be replaced at times.
    - Add crates that you can buy and put on your boats to store more fish. Add the ability for players to steal these crates.
    - Add the ability to players to steal fish from each other to encourage pirating out the sea. 
    - Either
    a) remove the fishing pier and let players fish wherever they see fit, make a different type of fish appear in the different type of water. I.e. at Vespucci Beach you can fish anchovies if you go further up north to Paleto Bay you can fish sturgeon.

    Bigger fish like tuna, shark, octopus, catfish etcetera would require a boat and you'd have to go further out the ocean. 

    This could also encourage people to host camping trips and there'd actually be something for them to do.

    b) Add more fishing spots, there are more piers than the Del Perro one. Although, I'd prefer A.

    That's all I can think off for now.


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  6. Can we please get bars & restaurants added as a business, along with an alcohol script. 

    The alcohol script doesn't need to be complicated, add different stages of being drunk (there are multiple animations & screen effects on GTA V for the level of drunkness) and base it off a percentage from 0.0 being sober and, 0.05 being tipsy and above 1 would be drunk. 

    Here are examples of animations:

    move_m@drunk@a idle_intro
    move_m@drunk@moderatedrunk_head_up idle
    move_m@drunk@moderatedrunk_idles@ flinch_c
    move_m@drunk@moderatedrunk run_turn_180_r
    move_m@drunk@slightlydrunk_idles@ fidgit_01
    move_m@drunk@slightlydrunk idle_intro
    move_m@drunk@transitions moderate_to_slightly
    move_m@drunk@verydrunk_idles@ fidget_01
    move_m@drunk@verydrunk wstart_l_0

    Adding different stages with a % level would also add future role-play for PD when they get scripted breathalyzers. However, we could still do field sobriety tests with the animations, would increase RP for us as well!

    Bars & Restaurants is really just a social interaction RP system. Have people own these bars & restaurants and have them advertise to hire staff for times they're open, i.e. security at the door, bartender etc. With the VOIP system, we could even have karaoke nights at bars. And since you're scripting a slot machine system, you could even place a few slots inside the bars. 

    Restaurants are more just a social interaction RP system than anything, allow people to go in there, buy meals, eat meals, sit down with others and just have a chat. 

    Don't make these businesses that cost millions to own, people that truly want to increase the RP levels on the server should be the ones that own these. Make them apply for them on the forums or something with an explanation of what the intentions are with the place.

    The income of these businesses could be the sale of alcohol, food, profit from slot machines, add a fee to entering the place (at the door).
    Have the owners import things like alcohol and food just like any other business owner.

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  7. Yes, I agree that the weapon damage needs a buff. It seems to have been nerfed since GT-MP. Weapon damage needs a buff and melee damage needs a nerf (currently -80 health for a single hit with a nitestick/knife/baseball bat and a kick, whereas a shotgun does significantly less close range).

    • Like 1
  8. Date and time (provide timezone): N/A

    Character name: N/A

    Issue/bug you are reporting: There has been a bug occurring lately which allows players to continue shooting or attacking players after that they've been put into the script wise injured mode. 

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I am unsure how to replicate this bug, but I'll try and get someone to confirm how to. However, we do get reports about it throughout the days and other staff members should be able to confirm the bug existing.

    I have no evidence right now since I was under the impression that someone had posted a bug report about it already. I will try and collect footage of it happening live next time.

  9. Would be cool to have multiple chop shops where each one accepts a different type of vehicle. Shouldn't just be one single location, and it shouldn't be marked on the map; players should have to discover these locations In Character.

    Very much like GTA:SA



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  10. 1 hour ago, Anatoli001 said:

    Who gives a **** if its "realistic" its a game. God.

    Sounds like you need to hook up with some friends and do some heists on GTA Online instead. 


    OT - 

    Robbing stores is a thing but broken.
    Robbing banks used to be a thing until Savages brought 20 randoms into a bank vs 3 cops. If someone can come up with realistic terms and rules for a bank robbery, sure!
    Car Thief, sure! Sounds like a nice little addition, would give criminals more things to do.


    Roleplay = Realism.
    Roleplay means that you create and play as a made up character in a specific environment. (In this case, this environment would be a realistic 1st world environment).

    If you do not want to play on a server where there are rules and negative feedback on things that go against the realism aspect of the server, I don't know what to tell you man :/

  11. 6] Add a prison job. The original idea that Harm was going to work on was some type of impromptu job system, sort of like "chores" which would reward players with a small amount of money meant to be used at the prison shop. Every 15-20 minutes or so inmates could be given the opportunity to do chores and at the end, receive a small sum of money. This is taken from the original document:

    "Add a prison job with a wide variety of random tasks assigned to the players. Add a cooldown so that they can only do the job once every 30 minutes or so. Tasks could be;

    - Collect new bed sheets from the laundry room and change them for cell #, cell #,
    and cell #
    - Collect the bed sheets from cell #, cell #,
    and cell # and bring them over to the laundry room.
    - Collect bags of dirt from around the prison, bring them over to the laundry room
    . (add random checkpoints or bin bags)
    - Go do some exercise at the prison gym for 10 minutes.

    And then after they’ve completed the series of tasks, force them to go to the shower room and stand in a shower for x seconds before completing the job. Then have them go back to their prison cell to collect their payment from a Correctional Officer (just for the RP sake, it wouldn't be an actual player, they just go back to their cell and get paid but a message could appear saying they've collected it from an officer).


    11] Add the cell number inmates are assigned to above their heads (very much like /EID) as inmate jumpsuits would have it on the back. 

    12] Add a /prisonlist that officers can use at any computer inside the prison which would show us the current inmates, assigned cell and time remaining.

    I.e. John Doe | Time | Cell 18
    Jane Doe | Time | Cell 18
    Tyrone Brown | Time | Cell 5


    2] The prison has been moved under the airport (was originally mapped ontop of the airport) and the floor positioning is wrong, so objects are either clipping through the floor or floating inside.

    3] There are objects missing since the switch from GT-MP to Rage. Prison cells no longer have beds in them, the infirmary (medical room) is missing nearly all its objects. I'm not sure if Rage supports the objects that were used inside? 

    4] We still fall through the prison, though, much less than before. I think the entering custom interiors needs to freeze you for x seconds after entering and then unfreeze you, just to allow the objects to load.

    5] PD doesn't get salary progression inside the prison. In /salary, it says "NO" on "Near Faction HQ or Vehicle".


    1] The doors in the prison disappear after you've been inside once, you can just run through the entire prison.

    2] We need / mdc to be enabled inside the prison so we can actually RP the processing there, there's an area dedicated to inmate processing. 

    9] Add a /doorbell command (or something along those lines) that works in the front lobby. Players that use the command would send a notification to officers inside the prison interior. Perhaps a cooldown so it doesn't get spammed.

    4] The gates to the prison work on Rage, on GT-MP, they wouldn't open. Now that they work, could we please get a separate entrance that takes us to the processing area as intended when the prison was made? Referring to this video  https://youtu.be/scwzhao9Vn8?t=224 

    7] Add a prison shop (there's an actual shop in the interior) where inmates can buy items such as cigarettes, food, and other miscellaneous items. Spice things up a bit and allow inmates to buy and combine items to create illegal prison items such as shanks and alcohol. The latter would create RP opportunities inside.

    10] Give inmates an actual inmate jumpsuit (there should be clothes for it that works on Eclipse's player models) for extra immersion. 

    15] Put admin prisoners into a different dimension or change the area where the admin prison is, even if you just place it inside a random building somewhere. Admin Prisoners keeps their guns, drugs etc. and they shouldn't be involved with the IC population of the prison.

    3] Either remove or increase the inmate prisoner radius (not sure what to call it), at the moment, they can't walk far without being teleported back to their cells, i.e. - they can't go to the cafeteria without being teleported back. Either remove this radius or increase it significantly, there are many rooms in the prison that were meant for inmates! 



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  12. Yes, bring fishing back alive. We need to focus on things like this and other features for civilians (and others, but mostly civilians) to enjoy! I support this suggestion, thank you for posting it! There's not much to do as a civilian right now in the server, and if you're new and don't have any friends that play, you grind a job like trucking, courier or money transporter but you don't get that social interaction RP that fishing brought when the pier used to be full. No social interaction RP other than constantly being robbed by already established players could lead to someone quitting the server. So yes! Add this.


    • Like 2
  13. Can we please stop focusing on suggesting how to remove realism and make it easier for cops to die more often and instead focus on improving the general RP? The only RP you go through on the server shouldn't be killing cops or getting into police pursuits. It's an RP server, not cops and robbers. 

    Want to remove something more from PD? Compensate with stricter punishments for cop baiting (i.e. driving in circles around a traffic stop on a motorbike when you've got a long list of active felony charges), also with the implementation of the official gang system which holds illegal gangs to a certain standard with the potential consequence of being removed from the official list (Community Update #1). There's a reason why PD is outnumbered in the majority of situations, you have to go through a lengthy recruitment process which includes a 4+ hour long academy and then a minimum of 7 days of not leaving the station alone as a Cadet. Not everyone wants to do that when they can just join a gang the first day on the server and get access to guns.

    Edit: We've already nerfed the speed to stock on our regular cruisers, removed access to heavy weaponry for non SWAT (all officers had it previously to match firepower), it's your turn. We're RPing a state in a developed country, the cops are not meant to be balanced with criminals, but we try to make it as balanced as possible without ruining the immersive experience of a police officer, that's role-play, criminality is meant to have consequences and meant to be done in the background. 

    If anything, increase the damage output on weapons again, they seem to have been nerfed since I last played. You could take down a cop with 4 bullets from a .50 pistol. Old video for reference.


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  14. *Samuel Osborn notices the poster all around town throughout his evening shift.*
    *He makes his way to the Los Santos Bank where he withdraws $60,000 from his savings* 
    *He then proceeds to stuff the money into three different envelopes, even split, leaving a note in each.*
    *The note reads "Anonymous sponsor, one envelope for each winner."*
    *He mails it to Tommy Grant's home address.*

  15. Is the High-Speed Interception Unit being removed? It certainly will be adjusted, if not removed. There's no reason for PD to handicap themselves, but we are not looking to be overly overpowered either, we try to balance things. If the unit isn't removed, it's most likely going to go through vehicle changes according to this new community change. That means a downgrade of cars just like everyone else. It's pending a command discussion but our supercar will definitely be removed as there's no reason for us having it right now.

    What do I think about this removal? Step in the right direction(ish). I think the supercar category can be revisited at a later date once all major bugs have been fixed on the server, given that we've only got one active developer, I'd say it's more important to look into potential fixes for bugs such as invisibility. Once the developer feels that major bugs are fixed, I support a revisit of supercars with a more complex maintenance system which brings consequences (higher prices) for the reckless usage of a supercar, and also, just owning one. A supercar is a car that I see as something a car collector would only bring to car shows, car meetups etc in real life. 

    I do feel sorry for the minority that was truly affected by this, those who role-played accordingly with the supercars, but they should see this as a positive change and not have many issues to adapt to the situation. If I'm not mistaken, it's already been said that supercars aren't gone for good.

    "But what will it change? People will just use sport's cars or motorcycles instead" Fair enough, they might. However, it's still a change in the right direction to look into the supercars issue, especially when you have supercars chasing down military convoys and people shooting from said supercars. 

  16. The topic of supercars has always been an ongoing discussion in the community since I first joined. I support the removal but I also support a revisit to supercars in the future for those who actually want to role-play accordingly with them. It's unfortunate that some are truly affected by this (those who role-play realistically around the vehicles) but they are the minority of supercars owners. 

    There need to be maintenance fees and other consequences for the reckless use of a supercar, there's a major problem when supercars are used to chase down military convoys and people proceed to shoot from them. 

    As for the Police Department, our High-Speed Interception Unit will most likely go through changes in according to this new change. Our Air Support unit was never implemented to tackle the supercars issue, we implemented the High-Speed Interception Unit for that reason. The Air Support Unit is used for a wide variety of other reasons, such as tactical deployments, search and rescue and for general aerial support during situations. Air Support units are very common in real life! Whereas the use of expensive vehicles in relation to crimes are not. 

    That's my opinion. I hope they can revisit the supercar category once major bugs have been fixed, perhaps by making a more complex vehicle maintenance system. Wrecking a supercar shouldn't be a cheap fix! 

    • Upvote 4
  17. I'm in agreement with Aon. If anything, don't make it a separate faction, but instead, re-name the taxi company to something like "Los Santos Metropolitan Transportation Authority" and then make different branches which could include buses, taxis and you name it; very much like you suggested. Though, I hardly see this as a priority if ever implemented.

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