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Posts posted by Houdi

  1. +1 for the idea of drilling into banks and atms. This suggestion along with THIS suggestion would be really interesting. 

    Here's why:

    Omar Cooks (@Bagacius) suggestion talks about being able to store cash in your house. However, it has no way of incentivizing people to not keep it there long-term. So, combining these two suggestions would be a phenomenal. Because it provides an incentive to not store large sums of dirty money in your house for long, rather launder it as quick as possible. 

    Also, the ability to break into ATM's could provide more RP for cops and gangs / crims. The ATM's could send out an alert when being drilled that alerts the police to the robbery. Also, expanding on the idea, it could be interesting to make it possible to drill the Union Depository trucks. I understand many players driving them are new players, but it could be an interesting twist on the job to heighten the risk of being a money transporter. 

    Anyways, this is a Great suggestion! 

  2. +1

    But, there is a fine line between making the increased efficiency worth it or very grindy. Like @Jleoni said, adding items for the related jobs would be a good start to this. Furthermore, having items that boost efficiency and similar stats in conjunction to also allowing players to "level up" there abilities at a specific job would aid in curbing burnout for new players. 

    Again, there is a fine line where this suggestion work, but it would be interesting to explore further. 

  3. Hey!

    This would be an awesome addition to ECRP. I have recently been thinking about the exact same idea. This would diversify how people can make their money and would provided another source of taxes in the game. One form of new tax could be a Capital Gains Tax.  This could also be expanded to let the companies on the server become "public companies" and be traded by the player base. I don't know how this would need to be implemented but it would add some interesting mechanics to the proposed suggestion. 

    Nevertheless, thank you for suggesting this! 

  4. +1 

    However, I would say in conjunction with this idea, there needs to be a one or maybe a few "money laundering" locations. This would allow the "blood money" to be cleaned and then capable of being deposited into the bank. If there was not a way to "clean" the "blood money" then this suggestion falls on its feet. And, keeping even 250K in a house for an extended period of time would be unrealistic. 

    Great suggestion though! 

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