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Liam Boland

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Everything posted by Liam Boland

  1. I say what comes to mind, it was meant to sound aggressive as well as humorous, I found the overall experience rather hilarious haha. Can't really convey the tone I meant to use over text. Also the rules state advertising GTA V communities. So I believe in naming two SAMP communities, one of which is dead and the other not far behind it is still well within the rules listed. And as you say the admins have noticed so I'll take your word for it, like I said I'm clinging to hope and sticking around for the time being to see if it gets better with time. Like a fine wine, or a dirty cheese.
  2. [FAT WALL OF RANTING TEXT WARNING] I've only been here for a few days now and honestly I'm caught between getting the fuck out of here or sticking around and hoping it gets better. I come from SAMP, from NGG and LSRP way back when. I left NGG when, you guessed it, I grew up and didn't want to play SARPG low IQ simulator anymore and switched to LSRP for actual character driven story telling and roleplay. Since my time on here I don't think I've even seen one instance of genuine passive roleplay anywhere yet, was told the bank was much like the mall from LSRP, a hotspot for people hanging out and stuff. So, wanting to see what was going on I headed over there, in what should have been 3 minutes of a calm walk up there I was ran over twice by people driving sports cars flying over the hills as if they were tobogganing down a snowy mountain. One of which actually stopped and got out while I roleplayed being in critical condition after a large metal object going about 100mph smashed into my body. Thinking I was about to receive help and apologies from the driver of the second car I was happy, until he got closer. A man with tattoos all over wearing neon bright clothing, a party hat and a fucking clown mask walked up with a gun before saying, "Oh you're new," before running back into his car like nothing happened and driving off. I logged off and laughed for the next 20 minutes before going to the store and buying a 30 pack of beer before returning to continue exploring the server. Once reaching bank and being slightly intoxicated from the 10 beers I chugged prior to logging in I saw nothing but neon bright sports cars, crotch rockets, and some other cancer inducing visual aids. Same with the people, all looking like they just left a hot topic mixed with a party city on acid with bass heavy rap blaring over speakers. The only /me I saw on my expedition into neveragainland was some guy with no arms apparently sniffing the ass crack of a female character that wanted nothing more than to get the fuck out of there. I walked up despite by instincts to delete Systems 32 and brick my computer. Immediately some guy wearing a top hat and a biker jacket walked up to me and asked me if I was looking to join a crew, attempting to think logically and reasonably I asked if he meant like a work crew or something. He told me no it was a gang, I responded the way any rational human being would and told him I didn't even know who the fuck he was and that I'd rather not. I was gifted the most beautiful, "lol k," by this man before he ran off and got ran over by a truck before continuing to run away into the distance like a gimp legged horse that wasn't put down. Needless to say I got the fuck out of there and got on the forums to see if there were at least people out there like myself who were questioning what the fuck was happening and if there was a carbon monoxide build up in the city air to explain the LSD trip I just went on. And yeah there were threads like this one and they're giving me hope, and over the last few days I've held onto that hope. The mentality of the criminal element is bad, with my limited exposure I honestly don't think we're playing the same game, it's almost as if they launched Arma hoping to play a life server that isn't whitelisted but GTA launched instead and they said fuck it. I see nothing but RPG like goal oriented play, no character development, no passive RP with the homies on the block smoking crack out of a hookers ass, not even a trip to Cluckin Bell for 2 number 9's. I see 'gang members,' driving around in sports cars only the richest white collar fuckboi could afford committing petty robbery stealing burgers and water bottles from hard working Americans. And the problem is, I don't think they see this as a problem, but for anyone like me, I've never had to question my will to live much like when asking a guy driving a nice sports car on this server what he does for a living only to be given the chronic depression inducing answer of, "I rob burgers and sodas." Much like OP I joined looking for an MC, I even asked ICly why there were none? The answer I received while serving my first sentence in prison for kidnapping and battery (getting the same time as a cop killer lol) was that there has been MC's around. But they've all died off because.... Get this boys and girls, they don't drive fast enough cars and weren't aggressive enough. Dear god no, just no, the BIKER GANG doesn't drive fast enough cars to get away from people and wont use crotch rockets... Because no shit they were a 1% club, you know.... The Harley riders? Those guys? Yeah they didn't drive fast enough cars like Mr.IRobBurgers. End my sweet suffering I'm going to cling to hope it gets better and hopefully they open an LEO agency that lets me get the fuck out of Megacity 1 and into the county where I can hopefully RP without having burger robbers wearing clown masks driving ferrarri's trying to take my lunch away from me to sell for crack money. The mentality of people here makes me want to commit genocide and the few people I've met that I've enjoyed being around are few and far between but I cherish their presence because they're probably going through the same thing I am. tl;dr Feel swindled by the presentation of serious RP when it's more a Judge Dredd LSD trip simulator.
  3. Not to mention it just adds more content for people in terms of roleplay. Adds additional avenues for roleplay in EMS as well, Ambulance picks up, stabilizes and transports. Hospital staff take it from there and handle the intensive care, surgery, and recovery of patients.
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