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Posts posted by thiggins19

  1. On 9/23/2019 at 10:58 PM, aXoL said:

    we have mentioned this problem with jail time multiple times but sadly there are so many people who haven't been into jail more than 2h so they don't understand how stupid this is to walk in the prison for 8 hours.They should cap the time to 3_4h again.

    they keep saying that jail needs more rp features , so reduce the time until developers add something to play with!!!! i have met so many people who actually want criminals only into jail without any rp at all, medics heal criminals without rp when they are on the ground, cops crash into their vehicles and shot them if the chase takes more than 7_8 minutes, and our reports against cops and medics wouldn't get accepted at the exact time when the non rp happens because we are reporting against cops and medics. if you are not in a gang which has atleast 10 people online at the time you CAN NOT run from 7 cop vehicles no matter how you rp and plan.

    i know people gonna come here and say: do the crime, serve the time, so im not even trying to say anything more, let them put players for 8h into the jail because they are haters even when they don't lose anything against us and only have to respawn again(if they die!).

    add something to the jail or reduce the time. that's how simple it is.

    I'm curious as to what medics are doing this to you? We can do stabilize anim without RP, but can't move on to the next person without finishing RP with the first person, than we can /heal. If you see medics doing this different feel free to DM me as this goes against our internal and OOC rules. 

  2. Dear LSC Manager,

    Blue doesn't mean Zeta. Many people wear blue and paint their cars blue to get a rise out of us and to blame things on us, like Fake Zetas. Your CCTV footage might show blue and blue cars but that doesn't always mean it is us. I can recall numerous incidents were we ran into a LSC employee and let them ago after seeing their badge, however, we continue to be harassed by LSC. We went for a spoiler change and the mechanic told us, "we don't have blue paint," and "we don't serve blue regards." Maybe we continue to hit you because you continue to provoke us? Bayview doesn't have a single problem with us, but then again, they're the better of the two mechanic shops. 



    The Zeta Soldier

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  3. Not going to sound rude Brixton but the founders aren't the only ones with access to it. You do have to spend your credits to get the status on discord. After spending the credits you put your link in the donator channel and Serthon takes care of it. I've had numerous people not get donator until they've spent the credits in-game.


    You can do the way Brixton did it but everyone I talked to has done it the way I suggested.


    • Like 1
  4. Hello HighTv! 

    You actually only get the status after spending the credits, this will give you access to the donator chat in discord and upon accessing that chat, they manually give you donator on your profile.

    So to start off, have you spent the credits you bought or are you just holding onto them?


  5. On 9/10/2019 at 3:45 AM, Hazel said:


    Tracing protocols are strict, we are not allowed to trace every John Doe with an Unlicensed Firearm charge or Jane Doe with Reckless Operation. I get that from the criminal side, it might appear like we are just tracing anyone we fancy from the warrants list but that is definitely not the case.

    One small question. The other day I witnessed someone ask for a specific person at a location that they shouldn't of been able to find her. Her phone was on, no charges, no warrants, nothing illegal on her. Can you explain to me how detectives managed to find her when she was the only one with a phone on? You say it's strict, but I've witnessed people get their phones traced when they aren't even wanted. Seems like your protocols aren't as strict as you're saying OR you guys just don't follow then.  


    Some following points, cops don't immediately have someone's phone number. They would after they call 911 but even then it could be someone else's phone, can't really use that as a reliable source of information. 

     I get the IC frustrations but they're IC. The MDC needs reworked, that's a fact. You shouldn't be able to put in someone's player ID and know everything about them. We've had some issues pop up recently with police officers doing so, why are people against having to type names? I'm not ID 212 in real life. You wouldn't type 212 and get my real name and phone number. You'd be able to get some form of address and such, but you wouldn't be getting my personal phone number. Just seems odd Everytime I see a PD suggestion every PD member says, "-1" because makes things harder on them. You want people to stop accusing you of Metagaming? Take out the IDs on the MDC. Matter of fact my legal was wanted for a reckless driving and someone searched my name in the MDC and used it to call me on my phone to tell me they were coming to arrest me at my location. How did they know my location without a trace? Furthermore, it's simple as this, we strive for real life, yes we have limitations, but the MDC should be as real as possible.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Nine09 said:

    i leave the crate with 50/200 inside of it and then i pick it up, otherwise i carry it around. 

    When you log off, where do you leave it?

    Also do you have a video of the briefcase one?

  7. This is also a problem at Central MD. But at Central MD it might bug and say you're in a NCZ but you might be at High End. It'll also bug and say you're not in a NCZ and cars are stolen left and right, just like SD. Seems to be a similar issue 

  8. 4 hours ago, Brawnkoh said:

    Typically the filing is done by the seller to protect themselves from being caught reselling legal weapons purchased with firearms licenses. Once they are filed, they are then sold. Because of this, they don't have the gun anymore to continue filing every 48 hours.

    For this to be a viable option, there would have to be a secondary way to track the firearm (there may already be, I'm not sure). This needs to be in place to track rule breakers (people giving legally purchased firearms to their alts).

    So what if, when it was filed it would say [SERIAL NUMBER] 1---1051--- like they're filed. and then in OOC Chat it would read ((10001051880)) So we can still check if someone is giving guns to an alt

    • Upvote 1
  9. On 8/31/2019 at 10:51 PM, Brixton said:

    +1 with more discussion. Injured criminals and gang bangers should not be going to the hospital with their friends after a gang shootout, he should be going to a hide-out doctor or like a "on your payroll'' doctor. We want more RP right? <<<

    You want more RP, but you're taking away RP from medics? Currently medics play a neutral role of not reporting everything they see to PD, they just treat you and move on. Medics already play the mob doctors and real doctors. If you had a negative for criminals to call MD (Which there isn't) then I could see initiating this. Like the suggestion above yours, police being notified if you're dropped off at Central, etc... You want more RP, but you don't want to take away 95% of someone else's RP at the same time. 



    On 8/28/2019 at 5:31 PM, BrainDed said:

    Criminals dont usually call medics

    In real life, you're right, not all criminals call medics, but in the game, almost every criminal calls MD at least once a day.

    Overall I lean towards a -1 due to the amount of RP being taken away from MD, who at times, struggle with no calls due to the dropbody table which many of us want disabled.

  10. On 8/25/2019 at 1:32 PM, Guest Erika said:

    Sorry my bad I didn't follow the guidelines let me repost this:

    Issue Being Reported: Account is making me take the quiz for the second time.

    Date and Time of Issue (provide timezone): 8/25/19 
    Your characters name: The account name could be "Erika" or "ErikaTV"

    Other player(s) involved: None

    Evidence and/or notes worth mentioning: My friend and I submitted the quiz at the same time. She got in, I didn't. Was there a misunderstanding?
    Maybe I'm on the wrong account, if so can someone let me know what the username to that account is?
    Or was my application denied? I'm kinda clueless as to why it's making me take the quiz again and not my friend.

    Is there a way I can skip over this quiz since I've already taken it?

    There is no way to skip over the quiz. The good news is that the queue has been cleared and approval time is within the hour of applying. Please ensure that you take your time on the quiz when you take it. 

    I'm not sure as to why you have to take your quiz again unless you forgot to hit the submit button.

    Kind regards,



  11. 1 hour ago, alexalex303 said:


    If you have an issue with people robbing too much, address that issue directly. Propose a rule that doesn't allow street robberies when the bank is open (during the day), that's it, you cut unrealistic robberies by like 70%.

    People get robbed during the day all the time. What's unrealistic is saying you can't rob someone because the bank is open. You want to cut robberies in half or make them less frequent, bring in a cool down on robberies. If someone robs you, that player can't rob you again for X amount of time. Fairly nonrp to rob someone multiple times in a day anyways.

  12. 24 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    It's like you said. "but someone who is getting a large sentence should be a trial thing" exactly what a large sentence is could be up for debate. Most people do not get large sentences, it's only the really egregious ones that do.

    If you just run from a traffic stop (which is a common chase/arrest reason), you would realistically receive an 80 minute sentence, if you also had an unlicensed gun on you, it's 110. I don't think that's particularly large, since it's still under what the old cap was. 

    Would you have a trial involving all of the required people over a sentence less than 2 hours? I wouldn't, I don't believe it would be practical.

    If you would read all the replies. I agreed with you on your ending statement. In fact I even answered your rehtorical question. I stated people who are about to recieve 12hr+ sentence should be able to have a trial. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Balastas said:

    In real life you don't get arrested 10 times in a day. Either we increase prison sentences to where people won't even be able to think about crime since that will almost mean life sentence or we leave it as it is. Understand that in one hour we arrest like 10 people, you're saying that every hour we should have jury and so on?

    Also PD won't arrest you without proof, most of the people don't understand what detaining someone is different from being arrested. If we get enough proof of you committing a crime why do we need a jury in the first place? 
    The only way I see a judicial system to work, alright we catch you and you're arrested in the cell to wait for trial. It could be once a day or so on, if you do not come on that trial you wait for the next day while you're being arrested in the cell until trial takes place and you're sent to jail or charges dropped, but if you get sent to jail your sentence starts from then.

    All in all, don't forget that this isn't streamer server where people makes money out of this, this isn't a job for us we have real life, work, kids and responsibilities to do therefore I don't see a way to make judicial system take place in the server.

    In the server it is useless. If you actually read my post you would see I already countered your first question and said we reserve it to be people who go to jail for long sentences like 12+hrs. I also stated didn't have to be a jury, could just be a judge. Also, PD won't arrest you without proof? I've seen numerous people get metagamed charges. Judicial would be something fun and enjoyable for the server. Like I said, it doesn't need to be for everyone. I also never once forgot the server isn't full of streamers who make money playing videogames. But if you want to go that route, why are you okay with throwing someone in prison for 19 hours when they can only play 1-3 hrs a day. You think it's fun for them? Two sides to every coin you want to flip. Judicial atleast gives those people RP instead of being forced to AFK in prison for 19 IRL hours.

  14. 6 hours ago, alexalex303 said:

    1. You are just not paying attention to them. The rights are "You have the right to have a government-appointed attorney during any legal questioning", however in the context of the server, most of the times, the cop will have witnessed you commit the crime. He is not legally questioning you, therefore you do not get an attorney. It's not useless, and it's there for when you actually do get questioned.

    But they are useless, in real life you always get a lawyer for every charge, even if its petty.

    6 hours ago, alexalex303 said:

    2. I'm in favor of having high ranking DOC be able to reduce sentence by about 10% for good behavior, but afking in prison should never be a thing again.

    I'm in favour of this, but would prefer it to be up to 25%, UP TO, meaning they can choose, so people who are high ranking in DOC can choose based on behavior and the amount of time the person has to serve. For example someone serving 12 hours, might be a model inmate for 9 hours, DOC command can choose to release them, this would encourage a lot less negative behavior in DOC. Where as someone who only serves 1 hour, may only need 10%. I see a cap of 25% being more beneficial. Also why are you against AFK'ing in prison? There is no RP there. People just run around punching each other and yell at you. When you do want RP DOC guards will not interact with you at all. Why can't we AFK when 90% of the time, we do, and we just die over and over again due to bugs.


    6 hours ago, alexalex303 said:

    3. They are not, and when they do, they get punished severely, both by staff and internally. A cop was not so long ago punished because he didn't hold N when speaking in Teamspeak.

    You're right about this. Sometimes some cops might MG, but they aren't around for too long.


    6 hours ago, alexalex303 said:

    5. A judicial system is not practical with the current sentencing guidelines. Felony evading, by far the most common crime is 60 minutes of prison. How do you justify getting together a jury, judge, lawyers and everything else over an hour sentence? If implemented, you would need to increase all sentences by at least 100%, and if the person loses, they would further get a sentence increase. It's not worth the time investment otherwise, and everyone would appeal just for the fake of being difficult.

    A judicial system is very practical. Why would we need to increase timers on crimes? Do you not want to RP? I get not doing a judge and jury for everyone, but someone who is getting a large sentence should be a trial thing. It adds a better quality of life and could make the server better. To me, your perspective is, "I'm a cop, so this won't affect me ever so I don't want this added, BUT if they do, lets increase the sentences for people who lose." I don't think that should be the attitude, but I could be wrong. Just seems you want to punish criminals more. 

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