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Posts posted by thiggins19

  1. 9 hours ago, Chris Bluestone said:

    When you have this problem try to use different anim its because you spam to much one and than you get suck like if you are unlocking your car and your anim just stop use /anim foldarms for exp and stop that Anim with CTRL +0 if I’m not wrong and this should help I have this problem all the time 

    My issue isn't being stuck in the animation, its my game not recognizing inputs. So even if I did another animation, it would take about 10-15 minutes for it to register in-game when there is over 100+ people and their cars next to me. I know of the bug, but this isn't what I suggested.


  2. As far as I am aware this was a thing back in the day, a senior member of the community could confirm for me, and they had problems of people cop baiting and killing people which is why it was made that they didn't drop there weapons. 
    I wouldn't be opposed to this IF you could not rob a cop for his weapons I.E. hold him under gunpoint and take them OR instead of them dropping their guns, maybe when cops get killed, they dropped ammo instead? I.E. every time a cop gets killed in a shootout and he has 50 bullets in his gun, he might drop 5 bullets in his body? If your suggestion was implemented it would need to be reduced down to make it not worth getting into shoot outs with cops and prevent you from wanting to rob cops, but at the same time if it happens, you get a small reward instead of a radio and some food.

    -1, but would change to +1 if they implemented it into a way that it wasn't worth you going and robbing/shooting cops, but more or less something that just happened.

  3. So this suggestion comes from a result of a bit of RP that occurred yesterday to me at the Derby event. My PC has problems occasionally where when too many people on Eclipse are in one spot, if I go to type, unlock a car, so forth none if it shows up buy my character enters the animation. Yesterday I tried to unlock my car and got stuck in the unlocking animation for about 30 minutes and cops were going to arrest me, until an admin I contacted voided the situation and physically had to kick me from server due to bug and then teleport me to Los Santos Police Department where I then had to sit for 3 minutes waiting for all my inputs to catch up from the event, because of light of this I would like to see a different animation for unlocking/locking a car and pick locking a car. It makes no sense that when I go to unlock/lock my car that it is the same animation as when I got to bobby pin a car open.

    TLDR: Change the unlock/lock animation of cars so that its different from picklocking as realistically, they SHOULD look different.

  4. 10 minutes ago, ShawnsBeard said:

    Hello! I am searching for someone willing to sell a maxed Feltzer. 

    2/2T is preferred but not necesarry.

    Contact me here or at 246-4312.

    How much are you looking to pay? My Feltzer is Maxed 2/2 with custom plate F4STER


  5. I would say +1 to flashlights and scopes as long as it costed PD and SD something. I.E. to import 10 flashlights would be the same price as importing 10 flashlights for illegal factions. Doesn't need to be a drop off, and even maybe write the script that it only charges PD money when someone gets one out and puts it on. Same way the GPS works in ambulances and cruisers

  6. 17 hours ago, MindThoth said:

    I'd be interested for the boat.

    How much are you willingly to pay?


    17 hours ago, kenichis said:

    180K for the Coquette?

    180k is really low for the Coquette, I know he'd prefer between 240-280

    2 hours ago, TheMintiestMento said:

    how much for the Coquette Classic?

    He's looking for 240-280, stock is 250.

  7. 2 hours ago, SimonZ said:

    i offer combined maxed paragon R and 300k should be 1m offer

    Not really looking for a car, just straight cash.


    2 hours ago, JustTabed said:

    starting with 600k

    This offer doesn't even come close to what I paid for the 3G.

  8. Hello! Today I am looking for offers on my 5G combo! Its a 3G house right next to a 2G House in Vinewood Hills just north of the bank. The 3G has a fairly unique interior that I've been working on and the 2G has new floors. Between the two houses there is 6 safes and multiple other storage features.

    Please leave me an offer below or text me! 379-3121.

    Bear in mind I am only selling this as a pair, not splitting it up. Your neighbors include a 3 PD officers, an SD officer, and a Medic. Fairly safe neighborhood if you ask me.

    Please check out my realtors photo album!

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