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Posts posted by cheatonus

  1. 19 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    Perhaps you need to re-evaluate what roleplay is. Roleplay is not just sitting at a gas station looking at nicely modded cars. Roleplay is having realistic consequences for actions. For one reason or another, you are at war with an alliance of two of the strongest gangs on the server. Not being able to get a breather to do what you want, is roleplay. It's their force projection. The fact that they are so strong that you do not get to do what you usually do, is part of roleplay.

    In many roleplay games I've played in the past two larger factions wouldn't be able to ally together and declare war on a smaller faction. There were rules if engagement in place to prevent larger factions from ganging up and trouncing smaller factions. This prevents people's ooc time investments from going poof overnight. Also, any declaration of war between factions had to have a valid RP reason and admin approval. It would have been a terririal dispute, a business competition issue, or repeated and continued disregard of borders or something of this nature. General disrespect would have been laughed out the door as a reason, especially in the case of a larger group attacking a smaller group. Granted these were mostly text based games back in the dark ages of the internet, but we still followed largely the same ruleset in regards to things like meta and powergaming and NRP. Most of this can still apply to this more modern setup. The idea that RP is always fluid and changing is true, but it's also a game played by humans and the players playing the characters need respected OOCly for their time and efforts sometimes in lieu of IC things. If this wasn't the case we wouldn't need rules, admins, or any OOC intervention at all. Violence "just because" shouldn't happen between large factions. At the very least both sides need to OOCly agree to go to war and an admin should rubber stamp it. There should be some sort of diplomatic process and reasons beyond respect for mass killing and citywide warfare. Just my 2 cents. 

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  2. RP is what you make of it. If you want to view the counterfeiting thing exactly the same as the drug lab thing that's your choice. If you want to RPly choose to look at them differently that's probably a better choice. It doesn't really matter if the mechanisms/scripting is very similar. It matters what you make of it RPly.  I personally think it would be a great use of many big indoor spaces in town like construction sites and factories to bring some of the manufacturing type criminal activities into the city.  Maybe the volumetric side of things is on a much grander scale and would require the use of a mule or phantom instead of a bag to get to a dropoff.  There are many ways to approach this to make for good RP. 

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  3. Donors already get special treatment if they get VIP level. Extra fuel. Extra EXP I think? Lower jail fines. and a few other things. So i'm not really sure where this is coming from. 




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  4. 11 hours ago, krooks365 said:

    This. Dont want to lose your hair? don't lie.

    If this is your reason for -1 I think you've missed the point of the original post. You would have a valid RP reason to humiliate the person at that point.  The point is to avoid the "handshands" crowd from just balding everyone they rob for no valid RP reason. 

  5. +1 Hair cutting is a form of humiliation. It should be reserved for those instances when it's appropriate, ritual initiations, shaming a rival gang member or seeking revenge on someone.  It should require consent and probably most of the time some sort of timeline as to how long the person getting their wig removed will remain that way.  There's no valid RP reason a street criminal robbing a random civilian would cut off their hair. 

  6. Getting caught red-handed is different then having an officer roll up to you and say "we had a report of Elegys racing in the area and you're under arrest."  But I think even if you catch someone red handed the burden of proof on you should be the same as everyone else.  Drop the clip in your arrest report.  That "a cops word" counts for more than a civilian's thing really irks me to be honest.  I understand why we RP it that way, but it still really irks me.  Any arrest should require physical evidence that would be admissible in court, even though we don't have courts.  Arresting someone shouldn't be taken lightly, especially with increased sentences and fines. 

  7. No i'm expecting the police to have body cam footage and post it in their arrest report.  Part of being a police officer, in reality, is a lot of paperwork.  As a normal civilian in ECRP anytime I reported a crime to a cop I was expected to have evidence to back it up.  If I didn't have video evidence generally the cop would tell me there's nothing they could do. So, generally speaking, it's already required every civilian have video evidence to back them up when they report a crime. Happened to me directly several times at Bayview. 

  8. I think something as simple as a forum in the police section where arresting officers can post the video evidence of the offense would go a long way.  The evidence shouldn't just be the word of the officer, and the evidence also shouldn't be kept from the perpetrator. 


    Arresting officer:


    Link to body cam footage:

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Aldarine said:

    OP, pardon my intrusion, but you began your post by accusing an entire legal faction that is heavily monitored of breaking a server rule (powergaming) with seemingly no effort to seek clarification be it IC or OOC regarding police helicopter protocols so people involved can take this negatively. All in all, this doesn't seem to be a suggestion for the server and more so accusations/discussion. It has already been established that you were referring to the air unit's callsign as there is no magical xray drone in the sky at all times. With the clarification given to your original message, at this point do you have an actual server suggestion you would like us to weigh in on?

    I wasn't making accusations. I was suggesting that the use of "X-ray" was powergaming in as much as using an unseen, unheard unit to do surveillance in an RP game was pushing the limits of what should be acceptable.  I've since been corrected.  Since I never saw an "x-ray" unit when it was being used against me ICly as evideince it was my assumption it didn't actually exist. Pardon me for using the evidence I had to make an assumption. And the officers involved never once said "helicopter" or "chopper" only "x-ray".  Now I know this is cop talk for a helicopter.  Keep in mind I wasn't actually accusing anyone of rule breaking, I was suggesting that if this is being used as I assumed the situation was that it should be reconsidered as it was akin to powergaming.  There's no need to make someone feel like an idiot when they make a mistake or had a misunderstanding of the situation. You could simply explain and move on.  If I could lock the thread I would at this point, as I've realized my mistake. 

  10. I'm sorry, if you think it's a joke it's not. How the hell am I supposed to know this is just a code word for helicopter when I don't play a cop character and I didn't see the copter? You should have to keep the heli low enough for players to see and hear.   danlaman (Sharp) your comments towards me are borderline OOC insults, I suggest you change your wording.  Put yourself in someone else's shoes.  How about don't use cop specific language when you're talking to a civilian, and as far as I know if I can't see or hear the chopper you're just making crap up.  Just call it a helicopter.  I legitimately thought X-ray was something you were claiming to be using as evidence without there actually being anything in the sky.  Not everyone has a PD character. 

  11. Because this is RP and the world is very small. I'm not saying it isn't realistic. I'm saying it's too big of an advantage for police on the server, and in the absence of a justice system where evidence has to be presented people are getting screwed by it. And in the world of RP having things thrust upon you with no warning or opportunity to react to the situation is generally powergaming. If they're going to use helicopter footage as evidence they need to catch people in the act, have a ton of continuity, show the video. 

  12. Police have tools necessary to do proper air surveillance. Even if "properly rp'd" the use of "x-ray" as some sort of unseen eye in the sky is powergaming. Players are given no chance to respond, evade, nor is any valid evidence presented in regards to this. In the absence of a justice system whereby evidence can be weighed and judged independently before prosecution and sentencing police shouldn't be using tools that are unseen by the players. Civs and Crims don't even have binoculars. Police have helicopters. If they want to do surveillance they should use their real tools, and if they don't have anyone available who can pilot a helicopter they should go without aerial surveillance. I mean, this is just going a bit too far and really causing some incredibly unjust and frankly ridiculous arrests. If the police don't directly see it or have direct evidence from another player they shouldn't be able to arrest people. They're literally taking time and in game money away from players who they can't prove did anything wrong. TLDR; use the copters, stop with the X-ray nonsense.

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  13. +1 but add this. Allow players to process drugs anywhere. Make the current drug labs ingredient gathering points that could be controlled by groups who could tax or sell the ingredients to people that need them. Each location has certain ingredients and you can take them to your home or other labs locations to cook. 

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