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  1. Oh so now we're talking realistic numbers, WCA+Zetas+Triads+The void which are on the panel are about 184 criminals not including unofficial gangs/solo criminals Versus LSPD and LSSD are about 160 , The ratio you're claiming doesnt even apply on the server
  2. I appreciate the effort bro but this is an RP not an RPG
  3. One word FearRP, You're a chinese crime syndicate and yet you wish to be identified by cops for the sake of having matching colors with ur friends and cars lmao Also you just proved my point you made urself recognized and aliased, U think its realistic for a syndicate member to be recognized lmao I just dont understand how LEO's arent abusing gangs right now and shutting them down for being stupid
  4. I agree with what you said, The player's main goal right now is to make money and sweat themselves on how to "Win" the situation aka play to win not to RP but you could always go solo rp and do your thing atleast i do that.
  5. I actually respect your opinion and i'd support you starting that organization. My intention was never to shit on gangs or players or force them to do anything i was just pointing out a loophole that could get all gangs against each other and pointing out that it's kind of violating fear RP for their identities and lives.
  6. U think this is ridiculous? Let's say i got robbed and got my hair shaved / harrased by WCA, I can just wear Ballas or Zetas with some of my friends and pull up to their HQ and shoot alot of Them ,And i could just shout Don't fuck the ballas or any other gang that they are neutral or in war with, tell me now why shouldn't i start a war between every two gangs who rob me or do me wrong IC'ly?
  7. Look i'm not attacking gangs and calling things, I know that every gang is kind of forced to pick a color and i think that should be removed, Think about it if you're a criminal would you like the cops to easily distinguish you ? If you read my post you'd see that i pointed out /MASKS/ they're actually a much better solution they hide who you are and once you remove them no one knows what you did, and it makes it harder for cops to identify you as a gang member. Guys just take your time thinking about this subject please and ask urself if it is realistic or not to put ur life in danger.
  8. Would you read the main post were i adressed the crips before assuming? They wear something as small as a bandana they don't go paint their whole life with blue color believe me gangsters and criminals do fear for their lives.
  9. It's fearRP you roleplay as a criminal and i don't think criminals tell everyone that they are criminals, So that's basically no fear for their identities or lives?
  10. Why dont you read the main post? I already mentioned these and said how they do it, Do you see any gang in game doing that?
  11. The only option i see available for coded clothing is masks , Anyone recalls the clowns? It was only a mask once they remove it u'll never know.
  12. Name one IRL gang that operates openly waving their identities infront of governments, Ur basically saying they don't fear for their lives it's not IC at all, Its FearRP think about it.
  13. U do understand that it should be like that? If you're a detective and dont know who you're shooting that's your IC problem, shooting the color coded guys is basically abuse
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