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Everything posted by Azilum

  1. Azilum

    Application Review

    Have a look at other posts. Wait time is around a week currently so you'll likely have a little while longer to wait. I just recently joined and it took almost a week exactly. Hope the info helps.
  2. Last estimate I saw was about a week. I was just accepted and it took almost exactly a week. It seems the staff are extremely busy with the large amount of new players. You can blame twitch I suppose
  3. As a new player, I think the quiz does a good job of making sure you understand how to apply the rules instead of being able to simply rewrite them for a question. I do like the idea of a border control agency referenced in another post to help players like me with early interactions in a controlled and calm environment where the focus is on teaching. I also agree that the rules are very well documented and presented well in all of the documents. The new user guide does a great job of pointing new players in the right direction.
  4. I'm currently on my 6th day waiting. They say the normal time is 1-3 days but due to the large amount of new member request it was updated to 5-7 days. (That's the last update I saw)
  5. I've also been waiting 4 days. This question has been asked a lot and it seems the review team has more work than they can handle because of a large amount of new member request. Luckily it seems they have added more people to the review team so hopefully we'll get in soon.
  6. It's likely going to take some time. I myself am on my fourth day of waiting and scrolling through other threads it seems the review team is extremely busy due to a large influx of new members. We'll get there, it's just going to require some patience.
  7. I had the same issue but stumbled across an old post with the answer. Start up RAGE MP and sign in. The quiz is taken from there.
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