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Posts posted by Copperhorse

  1. 1 hour ago, NadePop said:

    The money is realistic when you do it in bulk. Like 20 to 30 tables in an apartment with the vents and materials. You just arent doing enough.


    All it takes is 1 table and your whole setup gets raided. Until they make it so theres 0% explosion chance if you water, more tables is not feasible.

    • Like 3
  2. 7 minutes ago, Victor Einhart said:

    I think the criminal community would be healthier if there were more things to actually do.  From my experience as an officer, a lot of criminals fall into the same patterns of activity with little variation beyond what color their clothes and cars are.  Almost all criminals cook drugs or are involved in the drug trade in some capacity, because it's one of the few ways to actually make any kind of significant money.  Selling guns is partly successful, but this is very limited due to official factions having a monopoly over imports so if you aren't an official faction you are permanently forced into small-time trade of pistols and ammunition and this assumes you're able to cheat the firearms license system.  The biggest hurdle I've seen is official factions holding all the cards: if they don't want to deal with you or you don't want to deal with them for whatever reason, you cannot grow beyond beginner level.

    I honestly think you'd see far fewer random robberies and overall toxicity if there were more activities to plug into.  While IC you can do all sorts of things like prostitution, street racing, embezzling, etc it's hard to keep things like this consistent and more importantly persistent beyond 1-off events.

    For example, if there was a scripted street racing activity that players could join, follow waypoints like you do at the DMV except against other players, and receive a payout I imagine many criminals would go for it.  I also imagine this would promote IC rivalries to try and beat the bastards that always win.  You can organize such a thing IC, but there's little consistency.  A scripted activity provides that persistent thing people can do whenever they want and RP blooms from there.

    I mean you must be out of the loop because almost nobody cooks drugs after the most recent update. There's no way to protect your lab from exploding and losing 500k worth of gear. Even if you water it every 5 minutes eventually it will blow up and cause you to lose money. If they want to making it so labs blowing up is the cost of doing business they need to raise the drug prices back to where they were pre-turf update. They got lowered from ~900 to ~600. A lot of criminals are resorting to trying to get legal jobs because there's literally no solid way to make a good consistent income anymore.

    • Like 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    That's not true, and should probably stop being peddled around as an argument for no rules for crim RP. If there was absolutely no crime for an entire week, the LSPD could still do a great amount of RP, arguably even more than they can now. There's a lot of opportunities for passive RP, and community RP within law enforcement; Community outreach programs, public meetings, parking enforcement and other such things. These things are stifled right now by the constant need to have officers available for near constant chases and daily mass shootouts. The constant chases and shootouts are NOT a good thing or preferable to passive RP. 

    First of all, nobody is asking for no rules for crim RP. If you think that's what we're asking for then it shows how out of touch this staff team is with the criminal community. Perhaps if the staff team involved the community in their discussions they would better understand what it is we would like to see.

    Secondly, good luck with finding enough passive roleplay to keep the 200+ players in your factions satisfied. You have way too many officers than you need right now. If you are so committed to passive RP then you'd be performing these passive RP opportunities right now as there are very few chases and mass shootouts compared to months or even a year ago when you had a lot fewer players in your faction. It's not something that should be mutually exclusive. You can have people performing passive RP whilst others are arresting people or chasing a vehicle due to the shear amount of players your faction has.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Bala said:

    I would like to be honest, I don't think that the interests of our criminal role-players are represented as well as they could be but then at the same time, I don't look at the higher administrators and think they are looking to fuck over a significant portion of the player-base either. For me, it is just that both sides right now are speaking different languages.

    Whether they are intentionally looking to do so or are accidentally doing so does not make a difference. In the end we're still getting shit on just like we've been since late 2019. PD relies on criminals to have a purpose of a faction. Keep shitting on criminals ICly and OOCly and you'll (PD/SD) eventually not have anything to do as a faction, just like we have nothing to do as a criminal community right now. I'd imagine you've already seen a significant reduction in the amount of roleplay opportunities you get as police now compared to a year ago. Criminals I've known who have played here for a while are dropping like flies (quitting) because they aren't represented and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel suggesting that there would be any real change for the betterment of criminals. I've said it to a few people privately and I'll say it publicly now. If I hadn't put in 4k+ hours I would not be playing Eclipse. If I was a new player now and I chose the criminal path I would quit the server within a week. It's the same old song and dance though. Any discussion about PD vs Crim or Staff vs Crim never leads to any meaningful changes. Just like this one wont. In both you have a party (PD & Staff) who refuse to budge when it comes to negotiating a fun and fair standard of play for everyone involved because they can just impose their will on criminals without having to give criminals any bargaining chips.

  5. 17 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    The issue with your proposition is that direct democracy does not work, and is pretty much non-existent in the modern world because of that. The fact of the matter is that individuals will prioritize their own interests vs the interests of the group, resulting in poor choices being made. It's why most countries today adopted the representative democracy, where they elect a person that would, in theory, act in their interests while also keeping in mind the bigger picture; The electee's job is to be as informed as possible so that they can make a decision that represents his constituents but also factors in the needs of the group.

    However, in your proposed system, of a direct democracy, you will have people voting in their own self-interest, and against that of the common good. There are many examples of movements on the forums that were against something that objectively made the server better.

    Recently, we've had the change in the robbery rules. There have been countless posts speaking against it, however, it is abundantly clear that besides generating some player reports in the early days, the rule has improved the RP standard drastically. It was laughable that on a roleplay server, a civilian could be robbed at a gas station for little reason by a person in a super car, however, some still believe that way was superior, because it was in their own interest.

    A while ago there were changes made to the interpretation of the NLR rule, to be more in line with what is expected of a serious RP server, and not a light RP server, and it's fair to say that the vast majority of criminal roleplayers disagree with the changes, and would instead love to bash a faction until they leave the server because of one bad interaction, even through countless deaths. That is in their interest, because they want to shoot or entertain themselves at the expense of others, but not in the interests of the server, who should be nurturing more criminal gangs, and not a monopoly of three that pushes everyone away.

    That's just two very recent examples in which players side with their own interest vs the greater good, and is why your idea would make the server considerably worse, and not better. 

    Reading material



    We don't have any type of democracy on this server. The staff team is not representative of the player base and is no way elected by the player base so it's not a republic either. I'd rather have a direct democracy than a dictatorship where everyone given power is elected rather than selected. However I know that's not how many many gaming communities work. There are a few that do it well like Oldschool Runescape, but their community is much larger. I know that this topic is hopeless and will never happen just like PD vs Crims discussion. One group, in this case staff, would never relinquish any of their power voluntarily. Just as PD wouldn't relinquish their power. I've asked for more transparency of staff meetings and for player input before rule implementations are created but it seems like nobody wants to give the community (who you force these rules upon) a seat at the table to even voice their opinion until after the rule was created. You're also oblivious if you think that members of the staff team don't vote in their own self-interest. Everyone has an inherent bias to their own experiences. It is abundantly clear that there is a PD bias by the staff team on this server. Which makes total sense since 80%+ of the upper staff team mains law enforcement characters.

    • Like 1
  6. 48 minutes ago, Xoza said:

    Tested this last night, the delivery / marker went to the correct location. Further testing needed. This works similar to /setgps, so are there houses out there with incorrect addresses? Can we list them below?

    The problem is not with the delivery of the mail. The postal person physically delivers it to the correct address. The problem is that the person who receives the mail is not the person in that house. It's a random house in the city that gets the /checkmail and the contents of the mail.

  7. Just now, Xoza said:

    Greetings, this can now be accomplished using GoPostal mailboxes.

    1. Get a note.
    2. Write note.
    3. Send. /sendmail?


    1. Postal Worker
    2. Accept Job (from address, not business) /vieworders
    3. Go to Mailbox
    4. /collectmail?
    5. Travel to location.
    6. /delivermail


    1. When you're at home, /checkmail

    (I'll update these commands as soon as I'm in game.)

    Pretty sure the mail system has been bugged for quite a while. The mail doesn't get delivered to the correct address, but a random address instead.

  8. My suggestion would be to allow a person to work off their fines. So say for example I go to jail with $25k in fines. Should I choose to do manual labor in the prison I should be able to pay back all of that $25k when I do X amount of manual labor. This allows people who can afford to pay it to ignore the manual labor. But if you're broke you might try to do it to get your fine money back.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Xoza said:


    Rules are tailored and held equally to all players unbiased of alignment or activity, but often translated or with added descriptions to better assist with understand based on common activities on the server.

    Is there a suggestion? in this thread that would state a 'rule' or descriptive statement, written and specific that would be fitting for a section and for all players, whether, citizen, law or criminal?

    If not, this looks more like a discussion/debate and should be moved out of suggestions and to the discussion boards.

    There has and always will be friction between sides, whether it be realism, power or other. I'm sure the staff team is aware of these concerns and it's always great to hear everyone side without it getting heated. From what has been witnessed, modifications on both sides happen often in aim to accommodate these concerns and improve the quality of RP for everyone.


    The problem is that there are tailor made rules (specifically in this case risk / reward) designed to solely impact criminal roleplay. The point of this thread is to make that tailor made rule community wide instead of only enforced upon by the staff team when a criminal breaks the risk/reward rule.

    Your statement that the rules are tailored and held equally to all players unbiased of alignment or activity is categorically false. If what you said was true I wouldn't have a thread claiming to the contrary with 60-70+ people agreeing to the post.

    My suggestion is pretty clear. It's to make this specific rule server wide instead of criminal specific as it is currently being enforced by the staff team.

    • Like 1
  10. I believe an easy solution would be to create a new type of drug that can only be cooked at the tables in the actual labs. Create new ingredients that can only be used for that specific new drug and stock up the labs with those materials. That way people wont be able to just take the materials and use them at their home made labs. Make this drug super profitable to create to incentivize people to use drug labs again. Considering that you will need at least 4+ people to hold down the lab against enemies / PD it should be profitable enough to be split between 4 people and still be good money.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, JustTabed said:

    Some of the people that got banned were not actually cheating and got banned because the anti cheat detected it. How would you feel if you got false banned after spending months into this server

    Well it depends on what the anti-cheat is doing. If it's banning people for having cheating tools open even if it's not for GTA V then I'm fine with banning them. You shouldn't be using cheating software while having GTA V open. If it's banning people who literally have no cheating tools on their PC then obviously it's a problem cause you can't really do anything to prevent getting banned.

  12. I could be wrong, but I don't think this is a bug.

    I believe it was a development decision due to the desync problems popped tires always caused and the developers decided the pros outway the cons.

    Correct me if I'm wrong though.

    If it was a development decision, perhaps increase the interval of which tires are fixed so that people can have time to roleplay after popping somebodies tires.

    • Like 2
  13. I don't know what the answer is to human meat. But making it a turf feature isn't the answer IMO. Now that turfs are useless again I don't rob banks or cook drugs. Saying we would do that stuff anyways isn't true. We would intentionally go and try to kill people to get human meat so we can gain influence. If we wanted to add some NPCs to turfs that would buy it but not make it an influence thing I would be ok with that.

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