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Posts posted by nikoh

  1. every suggestion you make is an attempt to more easily facilitate the illegal part of the server. Now you want everyone to have tables when there’s scripted tables that cook faster? Why don’t you spend more time working on your IC relations with someone who can maybe get you the tables you want rather than ranting on forums every day with a new suggestion on how you want things easier to get.

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    I think you might have missed part where I covered that "certain items would still be only for gangs, like heavy weapons"  The only thing that would change from the current system about weapons with what I'm suggesting would be the possibility of maybe allowing people to import just the regular pistol in the game but it would only be like one or two at a time. The most important thing that really needs to be at least somewhat publicly available is the tables and some form of illegal handgun in the system is mostly what I'm suggesting.

    There are static labs that function. Players don’t need to be able to buy a drug table. And the Pistol .50 is a two-shot pistol. Don’t see what else “civilians” need

    • Like 1
  3. I think the idea isnt terrible, as long as the mark up prices you'd have to pay were at least 4 or 5 times the normal amount, as well as an increased risk of your order being compromised by the reigning faction that owns the turf. 

    But bare in mind your suggestion basically allows anyone to get a heavy weapon which realistically wouldnt be as easy as the script may make it. Not only that, but it would affect the server economy/crime rate/realism and much more. 

    -1 overall. I think its a bit deeper than just letting people get guns cus official gangs have more to fight over with this update. 

    If you want to join the fun I implore you to start a gang or organization and compete in the crim roleplay to get official status, the more official gangs now, the merrier. 

  4. Removing official is a bad idea. Allowing mass numbers of players to import extremely dangerous numbers of heavy weaponry would not be healthy for the server. Not to mention your suggestion basically throws away the In-Game script altogether.  


    (dark web would be accessible to anyone)

    huge -1. 

    • Like 4

    I'm not sure that us showing what we do OOC is as important or relevant to showing it on LifeInvader for example.
    I think perhaps maybe it is better that we try and keep OOC and IC as far apart as possible.

    In terms of the "just IA" attitude, what I would say is that you have an opportunity to exercise your IC right to have your charges reviewed in-game by a superior rank. I've been to a few scenes where someone asked for a supervisor. Sometimes it does get solved, because people just want to make sure they are going in for what they've done, nothing more or less but then other times, people are just trying to get out of the charges and won't accept any other outcome. In which case, an IA report is the last chance for you to defend yourself.

    Sometimes superiors are not available or the situation is dangerous to the point where at that moment, you can't wait around for someone to show up but you have certain rights as a civilian in Los Santos. It's up to you IC to use those rights.

    "Most likely to be suspended" in your signature. It's because IA doesn't do jack shit ICly or OOCly lmfao

    • Confused 1
  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 5-8-20 3:26PM(EST)

    Character name: Nick_Wong

    Issue/bug you are reporting: Certain Island doors and containers do not have an Access Door UI.

    Expected behavior:  All doors and containers should have the UI

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicatehttps://imgur.com/a/aA0DALe Some doors work and others do not. https://imgur.com/a/O33SPvR
    Similar bug report: 


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  7. Similar situation to what you're describing. A PD faction member was punished for unrealistic actions/lack of attention during RP. I understand your frustration and I get why you think there's a bias, but at the end of the day if you place a report here on the forums it will be solved without bias. If you think there WAS bias, thats when you can appeal that decision. 

  8. There’s plenty of rare guns in ECRP just cus you don’t see them used doesn’t mean they don’t exist in the server. 

    but either way +1 more variety in pistols, maybe not heavy weapons though

  9. 10 minutes ago, kenichis said:

    I disagree. I would say that recently staff has made changes to discourage this type of toxic behaviour. As you can see below:

    • NEW: Players may use offensive language in IC chat for roleplay but not excessively, and must stop if asked by another player OOCly. 
    • CLARIFICATION: While we respect the fact that we're a roleplay server and we expect community members to create their fictional characters and RP around them, we also want our community to be welcoming for everyone. It's important that you understand that it should make RP sense for your character to behave in a way it does, whether that's being racist, homophobic etc - At some point, it becomes someone pushing their OOC ideology onto their IC character, thinking it's acceptable. 

      This minor change does not pertain to the usage of offensive language OOCly. We will not tolerate e.g. racial slurs OOCly, whether it's to a friend or someone else, it does not have any place on our platform. This change only strengthens the ability for players to be more comfortable playing on our server, and feel more welcoming.

    The announcement made by Ballin shows that they're trying to move in a better direction. I've seen reports made by staff members themselves who are treated by other people like that.

    Also for your statement about it discouraging black players, I wouldn't say thats the case. I know a couple friends who are black OOCly and they make the best of their time on the server even when they're playing with people who constantly have to be racist. They also don't mind when someone who isn't black uses racial slurs for RP purpouses since thats what its meant to be used for at the end of the day.

    Overall I'd say its an issue but its not like its being neglected. I've really only seen this type of toxic behavior from new players or people at bank and I just avoid them entirely.

    Doesn't change the fact you can RP a racist in 2020, its a step in the right direction but merely a baby step. Still shows that its not on their radar as much as I believe it should be. Obviously my opinion isn't the only one, but RPing a racist just really doesn't have a place in a roleplay server, as much as some may find it funny or edgy, it's just not it fam. Make it clear in the rules or you're neglecting the bigger issue, which like I said, says a lot.

    • Upvote 2
  10. 17 minutes ago, cedridge said:

    This cycle will always be funny to me as you guys ask for it, then talk shit and try to clap, and in a week or so make forum posts like these. What I would suggest is look back at the history and see how other gangs ended up when fighting council and learn from their mistakes. Remember, IC actions have IC consequences.


  11. Really poor RP to see detectives in gang clothes driving drags.

    What’s worse is when they get caught doing it and we try to extract information/torture, they’re bound by OOC rules that disallow us to do any RP for information even if it meant their lives. That in itself is another issue for another day. 


    I won’t name names but there’s a lot of PD who do this to bait a reaction, it’s truly breaking immersion and realism for crim RP as we can’t do anything about it. It’s not cute/funny to be unrealistically baiting criminals just to post it in #fashion


    +1 A rule regarding Criminal Baiting should be implemented in my opinion.  

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  12. Like most have said, I think the IC content should be paid for with IC money. The content that’s simply cosmetic/provides little IC benefit can be paid with IRL money to support the server. 

    I understand why devs did it this way but I don’t think it’s all that immersive to charge IRL money to advertise your IC content better. 

    Overall +1 to this suggestion.

  13. +1, /ldo it itself is usually fingerprint RP, with gloves it would help with overall time stamp RP, as it could potentially be scripted in to aid detectives in more detailed RP. 

    For example;

    Cars would have prints on the wheel/doors if you didn’t have gloves

    Guns would leave prints if equipped without gloves

    Players who have been /frisk’d would have the robbers prints on them if they didn’t wear gloves 

    Overall i’m all for gloves.

    • Like 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, Icarus2766 said:

    The difference, which alot of the "council" seems to ignore is that the Zetas and Triads road to power is completely different than any other gangs. You never had the type of adversity Wca, Rooks, Russians etc had. In all of those fights you had atleast a 2/1 advantage, in the Rooks scenario it would be upwards of 4/1. I understand that I look like a hater when I promise that it is not the case, in my opinion it is human nature to want to be on top so why should the Council have to give smaller gangs special consideration because they can't handle the big bad council? Like you said you earned that position but you are kidding yoursleves acting like you faced the same challenges the other gangs in the city are currently facing with the massive 3 man zerg army plus friends and allies. But that is life and it is how things work in the city and I respect that, Council prey on the mid sized gangs, and the same mid sized gangs that complain about council prey on the small gangs  and the small gangs that complain prey on solo guys and on and on. That is the way it should be but all I am saying is the city has lost out on so much criminal roleplay because of the Council not wanting other gangs having cartel connections or being a potential threat, street gang like WCA, Street racing gang like Wanted, Shadow organization like Rooks, Mafia like Russians etc.

    There's too much ignorance in this post to even take it seriously

  15. 7 minutes ago, Icarus2766 said:

    You advocate their growth until they get official or close to then you declare war? I never understood why you guys pretend that isn't the case when literally all the evidence is right there. Of course you make up IC reasons then give impossible demands to force them to have to fight like with WCA and Rooks and Wanted etc, no point dancing around it anymore The council ruin criminal RP on this server not improve it

    Imagine being this ignorant you have to convince yourself that we made up our reasons to go to war (which were accepted by Faction Management). As stated above, sounds like your lack of IC knowledge is getting the best of you, it's clearly showing.

  16. 4 minutes ago, mikebumbum said:

    i mean just to put this into perspective here one of our guys sold 1 gun under the councils ''market price'' and instead of having some interesting RP with that you guys decided it was this huge fuck up and gave our gang 2 options pay 2 million or fight us as we were not official yet and still building we wanted to enjoy our RP so we just paid you the 2 Million wow that was such great RP. I've heard Triads didn't even have the 6 mil in their treasury that they were asking from us to stop the war some people aren't here to RP and it really shows. You only see it in your shoes but realistically you guys don't want anyone to enjoy crim RP other than yourselves.

    imagine constantly using PD and even bringing them to labs when occupied by a neutral party. you gang had a ton of chances but you fucked up a lot IC. Tunnel vision strikes again


    either way each gang had their reasons for being targeted, denial of those reasons is IC and seems to be a reoccurring issue amongst people like you

  17. 2 minutes ago, MrUntouchable215 said:

    That's extremely disappointing and I feel like we're being treated like idiots honestly. Not to sound rude, but that's exactly how it feels. "Who gives a shit how it effects you, you'll play anyway and if you don't, bye" type of mentality. This literally got shoved down our throats at random.

    This has been the reason why a lot of our veteran players are losing their motivation to continue. This needs to be addressed and brought to light.

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