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Posts posted by Bistek

  1. I do agree that theres a bunch of retarded people who randomly park their car in the middle of the road, bikers that park their thing right at the bank entrance...this happens and will keep happening because that area is considered a NCZ. That's an OOC issue to me, but the issue itself is and will be dealt IC'ly.


    Someone suggested some more /park'ing spots and, to be honest, I think it would be the best 'solution' to this mess.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Sauer Stein said:

    So how does doing /park help the issue with impound?


    It does help in every situation BUT the one you just mentioned, my man

    (getting arrested)

  3. 6 hours ago, DerTeufel said:

    At first i'd like to apologise for another thread about applications, since there are a lot of them already. But i have an idea.
    If it is possible, maybe add some kind of `acceleration`, as doing something extra in order to get reviewed earlier than in 4 weeks? It could sort us out, since some of us just had a bad timing and are on the worse position because of that streamer hype.

    With regards, Teufel.

    There is no such thing and there won't be anytime soon, trust me.

    We're expanding staff's numbers, THAT will speed up the process


  4. ...or you could /park your car. Trust me, it works. They must've impound your car bacause you didn't buy a parking ticket...it's pretty simple.

    Follow the green'ish garage door icon on your minimap, tyoe /park (for $500) and voila! No headaches!!!

    No reason to implement any of your points man, I'm sorry.

  5. Hey there, my man...hows it going?


    Tell them to try once again, this particular error happens once in a while.

    If it insists, tell 'em to reinstall RAGE client.


    Keep us updated on this, we'll help him out.

  6. I had a really hard time understanding English when I first joined a RP server and guess what? They had a foreign subforum. It had only some randon chat, helpful tips and some minor things...someone over there, which was a Moderator, helped me a lot. Grammar basics, game mechanics, surroundings, even server rules.

    A year later, I bacame one of the first Head Admins of SARP, a pretty successful server in SAMP's history.

    2 hours ago, Randyrandul said:

    If you are struggling with English, then how do you hope of playing in game where the only language is English? 

    By saying that you're just preventing people to actually LEARN. I would say this definitely needs an attention

  7. 20 hours ago, Randyrandul said:

    I don't see any benefit to this, the only thing it does is isolate members of the community that doesn't speak that language. We only allow one language to be used in game for a very good reason, this would do the opposite of what you suggest all it will do is divide the playerbase like an american prison. 

    I find this pretty useful man, let's think about it for a second...


    It could help new players...people who are struggling with English could at least get something in their own language, so they can actually improve or fix things (like applications for example). A moderator in each language would be required, tho.


  8. Ok, I got!

    But that doesnt mean scamming is wealthier than a standart job. Doing it will encourage them to do so, other than actually work IG... Its just wrong man, it goes against my principles...especially if its a new player.



  9. 7 minutes ago, TheCanadian said:

    With the new rules it is allowed but only on certain types of scamming. 

    I.E: i can say im selling my Rapid GT Classic for a lower price than normal to entice people with the condition that i want to tax evade, if they accept and give me the money from the ATM i can just put it into my account and never speak to them again, this would not be breaking a rule. Same with houses, if you are looking to tax evade and get scammed as either the buyer or seller, its entirely on you.

    so @Hoza is right, its probably one of the best ways to make money and you wouldn't be breaking any rules

    Oh I'm sorry...when you say 'this new rule', how long are we speaking?

    This sounds way too absurd in my opinion, tho.

  10. I would suggest you checking all the jobs around by yourself, you'll make the call on this one..And it also might depend on what you're roleplaying.

    In my opinion, fishing is way better than courier job because you drive your own vehicle...but you'll need to buy one.

    Some give more $ in less time, others are just hugely enjoyable, like bus driver job.

    Keep in mind that Roleplaying isn't 100% grinding. Get to know people around, acutally roleplay with each person you find...maybe they offer you a job into their organisation/gang or something. Enjoy your stay, don't be focusing just on earning money.


    TL:DR - Gotta figure it out IC'ly.

  11. Ok so whenever you /report, support takes them? Thought only admins could see /report.


    You can close this, then.

    Thank you for your time by answering to the thread.





  12. Yes, you heard it right.


    The ones who played SAMP will remember in certain servers you had a channel which only newbies could see (or had it togged on, depending the server) and actually ask newbie questions, like, 'how to fish', 'how to park car' and such. In my point of view, this would reduce the income of those questions to /report, keeping it only for admin assistance. Once that player reaches 5k~6k of experience, the channel gets togged off automatically (same goes for existing players, obviously).


    '/newbie' to speak on it

    maybe '/tognewbie' to turn it on and off

  13. 23 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    If money from drug sales is considered money laundering, so should money from robbing stores. It's the same principle. While you could argue that no one would bother tracing money for a robbery, that's true, but people in this game rob six seven stores in a row, and they would most definitively trace money stolen by a robbing crew on a spree.

    +1 to all money from illicit activities being dirty.

    Well, you got a strong point there...makes a lot of sense.

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