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George Vern

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Posts posted by George Vern

  1. Man I really want to agree with you, trust me, I do. I'll tell you this from my experience in PD since 2018, granted it's on and off, but it's still almost 6 years now.

    The amount of people that will properly go through the RP of being tasered or being detained in another way is literally less than 1%.

    The amount of times we have to deal with people that get tasered and immediately start running again is borderline annoying.

    For context, I'm 6'1-ish, I used to weight about 230-240 when I was in shape. I was tasered and I couldn't move more than a couple of steps at a time for a minimum of 5-10 minutes after the fact. Meanwhile we have people on the server that will get tasered/tackled and then immediately start running off, even after multiple /me's and /do's of us trying to pin them to the ground after we taser them.

    I fully agree that sometimes, taser usage is excessive. BUT, to counter that point, the amount of "non-rp" in the sense that people just don't RP the effects of certain actions is the only reason most of us have to resort to using the taser more than once or twice or even 3 times (my record is 7 times on a person, I think he got banned after the fact for refusing to rp lol)

  2. Quote

    The current usage of tasers is unrealistic - I believe its really unrealistic to be able to shoot taser shots several times in quick succession. Most proffesional police tasers have only two shots after which the taser needs to be reloaded, also in real life cops need to annouce firing a taser.

    First of all, we do announce it. Second of all, can't shoot in quick succession? Welcome to the Taser 10 by AXON:

    The taser we currently use is modeled after the Taser 7. Having used a Taser 7 and having been tasered myself, I can tell you right now that a proficient user can reload it in approximately 2-4 seconds. It only has a 25 ft range. The Taser 10 is completely waterproof, can fire 10 prongs at a maximum range of 45ft, and you can taser multiple people at the same time with it.

    Most large Police Departments in the States, the UK and some countries in continental Europe have already gotten and are currently using them.


    If we're going to be throwing the "realistic" card around, let's actually be realistic about it, and not only state things that work in our advantage.

  3. 3 hours ago, Vyse Legend said:

    If anyone is saying no, do we REALLY think these are accidents?

    all of these people deserved to be banned.  And this is just the last 24hrs of -REPORTED- combat logging.




    Note, in the first two reports you linked, it's the same person involved. 

  4. I see why it was done for the holidays, and I agree with it, it definitely added something more, a nice change of pace. I think after the holidays end, ie after NY, it should start going as it's lost its novelty quite a bit. 


    EDIT: To add, the odd thing is that with snow, my frames dropped quite a bit, but without it my frames are always 70+

  5. @Ryumdar My opinion? Best course of action right now is to send the evidence and chat logs to the admins again. This has gotten enough attention now that nobody can ignore it without looking a prick. Ballin specifically said that he hasn't seen them, maybe they didn't reach his eyes, which is understandable. Let's cool it down a little bit, I know it's a fucked up topic to even talk about, but let's gather our thoughts and work together on this. We all know who the culprit is, we know who the victim of this is and the best thing we can do is to work with the admins side by side and deal with this appropriately. What I would do if I was in an administrative position would be to outright ban the person, no warning and no chance for a ban appeal. Send them to @BallinByNature and let's deal with this, yeah?

  6. The main problem you'll have at those timezones is for someone to do your academy and field training programs, as most if not all field training officers are on a UK or US timezone. However, we do have a couple of aussies in the PD at the moment, and I expect that when the applications open again, there will be more people applying.

  7. I have been talking with a couple of people about this and they told me to suggest it here, so here goes.

    First of all, the 10-codes. 10-codes as we all know are used to shorten and simplify communications over the network. Now, the two additional 10-codes that I had in mind are as follow:

    10-2: Read you loud and clear

    Used over the radio to signify that someone is transmitting clearly and is being received clearly by other people on that same radio frequency. It can be used so that when someone does a radio check, instead of everyone jumping ship and saying "5 by 5" or "loud and clear" etc, they would just say "10-2" and that's it.

    10-7: Going off duty

    In all technicality, 10-8 and 10-9 are slightly different irl than what they are in PD here. 10-8 means "on duty" and "10-9" means "repeat last message". 10-7 on the other hand is used to relay information about going off duty.

    Both 10 codes are very minute differences than what I'm used to, so no big deal if they don't get added.


    Now, for the QOL change. 

    I was speaking about this with Deputy Chief Kilo Crosby and he told me to post it here, as it would make life a lot easier, and more realistic for PD's and MD's line of work.

    When you would go on patrol in real life, you would be issued your radio, your gun and your kevlar by the government, you wouldn't have to go out and buy it yourself.

    What I am recommending is that for the purpose of PD and MD, that radios are implemented in a in house store, for example in the armory of the PD, where we can get radios, ammo and maybe even coffee and donuts for either free or at a reduced price. Either that, or we add at least the radio in the /pw command so that we can get it from that menu, instead of getting a patrol car out, while on duty and in uniform, and going to a general store to pick those items up.


    I would like to hear from members of PD and MD on these ideas, especially the second one, so that we can have a better idea on how to make our lives easier.



    All the best,

    George Vern

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