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Posts posted by verydoge12

  1. What I do when this happens to me is do /report 2 and in meantime I run to LSC / Bayview / DCC Office / MD etc and when you go inside in out you will be returned to the right dimension and sometimes you will get to one of the locations walking before the staff team answers your report so you just remove it

    • Upvote 1
  2. Just now, xxStallingCoinxx said:

    How is somebody choosing to rob me my fault?

    I understand it’s probably bad luck that it happens often to me, but it shouldn’t even happen once a week. How many times IRL do you get robbed in the streets? Especially if you have a gun holstered on your person.

    This isn't same as real life this is RP if this was real life there would be barely any criminals and currently at least 65% of the server is 

  3. 17 hours ago, Shannon said:

    .Players shouldnt be punished by restricting them on their PC cause of the type of character they RP.



    I want less of these boring features, like if I go to jail for 2 hours I will be afk the whole time anyways I'd rather play something else or turn my pc off 

  4. 14 minutes ago, Bucolic_6 said:

    Idea 5 I do not agree with. Snipers are only used for very tactical situations by SWAT and usage is strict. We don't allow people to take out the sniper and begin shooting at you. Again, we're very strict on that knowing how strong they can be. 

    This isn't really true because I know that there are people taking the snipers when they are not on their SWAT duty but dont wanna name them

  5. 29 minutes ago, waffels852 said:

    Idea 2 that's exactly how it is, cadets are pistols, same with PO1 then after that each rank gets new weapons.


    14 minutes ago, Bucolic_6 said:

    dea two is already a thing. You'll never see a cadet running out the station with a shotgun, mp5, sniper, AR,... Currently, it's that, when you get promoted to certain ranks, you get the ability to send in an application in order to be allowed to use a weapon. Those applications are very strict and weapons are not to be abused. If so, the officer should be reported and their weapon will be removed.


    this confused me because I see people that are 1 rank above cadet with MP5s




    also added new suggestion 

  6. Keep in mind : I don't think every single of these suggestions should be applied together.


    Recently everyone, including myself has been complaining how the PD is overpowered and could use some nerfs so I came up with these ideas :


    Idea 1:

    Every rank should have 50% of their current armor. For example normal officer has 50 armor and he should have 25 and a swat has 100 and it should be reduced to 50. This would be more fair because the current way it is criminals cannot access armor.


    Idea 2: 

    Not every rank should be able to use all of the weapons, for example, A cadet should only be allowed to a pistol (This might be the current case not sure) , A police officer should be only be able to use pistols and a shotgun (not a MP5) and all the way up to a commander that could use any weapon.

    Idea 3:

    Remove unlimited weapons, the PD should have limited weapons that restock each week, maybe related to the treasury but not necessarily.


    Idea 4: 

    Remove the whole TeamSpeak thing, police should have more channels and fore example, main channel would be used for backup and bolo's etc and you would talk to it using M and a secondary channel that is used in a chase and you would have a different key to talk to people in that channel. You would be able to hear both of the channels.


    Idea 5: 

    Completely remove the snipers from the game, I know its a very fun weapon to use but lets be real its OP, and criminals have nothing to fight back at that distance.


    Idea 6 ( don't think this one will happen):

    We should be able to get the guns from the officers, I know this could be abused very easily but let's say you kidnap an officer (With a reason) and you have the ability to get his weapons with help of a staff member.


    Idea 7

    From what I've seen it's way to easy to become a SWAT the new SWATS are KOSing everyone and If I am not mistaken you need to be 1 rank above the cadet rank to apply for a swat. There are a couple of swats that know when to shoot and rp properly such as Paulo but some are just terrible 



    EDIT : Just realized that there is already an active suggestion and some suggestions are similar to mine 


    • Upvote 8
  7. 7 minutes ago, DominykasHD said:

    I asked one of the cops. They use TeamSpeak, because if they would use radio, then radio will not work for everyone because there would be too much people talking. This is just stupid and unfair.

    Our radios have 5000 channels and Im sure they could do the same thing with theirs.


  8. Very glad someone made this threat

    Cops break fearRp often even if they are staff members and they do their job very poorly and kos people that were not involved, lets say you are driving by a an active crime scene there is a high chance your vehicle will just get sprayed down. Also if you are not aiming and don't even have a gun out you often will just get killed on sight without any warnings.

    https://plays.tv/video/5bba767caebf7c8a1d/xd (clip isn't mine, its Vova's)


    Cops are really don't care about anything anymore Yesterday I was in jail and I saw a friend of mine Jame Bluff that was in prison (/jail-ed) and he was not even frisked and he had an AK on him in prison




  9. 5 minutes ago, XypintGaming said:

    I'm saying the part you stating that this was formed due to The Syndicate being "tired" of disrespect to the higher ups.

    This was not directed to a single person 

  10. 4 minutes ago, XypintGaming said:

    No lol to me, I guess it wasn't. My interpretation of the reason I was kicked is that I called out the board. But again, that conclusion is only due to the lack of communication from you guys and the abrupt termination.

    Why do you think that we would include this in our faction post ?

  11. +1

    The way they made impounds is terrible, and impounded vehicles can't be stolen and this kills RP a lot and I know that there are gangs that would take 10 cars after a PD / BANK would clear their parking spots but I guess that we wont see that anytime soon

  12. 33 minutes ago, HighJack said:

    This won’t be a problem anymore since they made every name white even PD and MD, LSC, Bayview and taxi cabs. However in PD, you can still see their badge numbers above their head when they placed one. 

    Yes, I'm very happy about this change this opens up many opportunities to a criminal but I would still lake to see the ability to put a mask on while on duty

  13. 4 hours ago, Bl0wUrFace said:

    Some kind of civilian optic like binocular

    Been thinking about this aswell

    4 hours ago, Bl0wUrFace said:

    *Gunsmith job (could craft and sell attachment)

    I don't know if you are aware but gangs that own warehouses can import illegal weapons and attachments 

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