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Everything posted by bighyde2018

  1. bighyde2018


    So being the thread updated I do believe it made a ton of additions such as the ranks and even a tiny backstory, with you and your friend the only ones to have came over. However, I do believe that the story should have more of a meaning, more of a personal feeling to it. I'd be glad to see how it looks if you did do that, once again just friendly information. I am not trying to be rude good job on everything else like the goals you have set and the ranks
  2. So I was wondering I came online today to find my bike was chopped, I went to mors but it says unavailable...what's going on? My buddy had his bike chopped before to and he was able to get it from mors
  3. these are things people wont tell you here, you must find them IC
  4. read over the rules again is all I can tell you man, the answers, are in the rules, including that one. good luck
  5. Most likely need to add more character info/background to your character
  6. I'm with it...I'ma give u a text sometime soon tonight
  7. I believe it's probably the CPU, the GPU isn't half cranked it's only at like 1gb out of the 4gb vram my 1050 laptop, normally I can run GTA v on almost all high settings, I just came home literally from prison so I havent dusted the actual laptop or done anything since I've been home
  8. I was playing around with the settings and got alot less lag and barely any kicks but I still seem to get texture pop ins, I had to enable v sync and I brought my settings to normal ...could a different direct x version possibly fix this? From 11 to like 10-10.1
  9. Thanks man I do appreciate it
  10. Thanks man for the help I appreciate it...I'll let you know and update this forum, it'd suck to have to give up because I actually managrd to connect with someone last night and have a decent conversation and collect a contact for IC
  11. Will do, I'm going to go home tonight after work and attempt to remove all mods and then try it again...if it doesn't work then reinstall it is
  12. When I play I'll get onto the server perfectly fine and I do experience lag but about 10-15 minutes later it always kicks me! Any suggestions? It will play but when I drive fast I get texture pop ins and I also get a consistent lag most of the time! I'm new to modding and had used mods on that same GTA copy but rage will run fine because I assume I removed all mods correctly and modded files but now I just can't seem to stop disconnecting once starting to play on the server any feedback? Suggestions? I really like the server so far I just would love to be able to play at least with a good experience, I've also lowered my settings in game to try that but that's not the issue either
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