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Posts posted by Ahlfs

  1. I feel like we should have a new RP command where we can attempt something with a 50/50 chance. For example say something looks heavy and you don't know if your character has or has not got the strength to carry said item. you could type "/attempt pick up heavy item" which has a 50/50 chance of it being successful or failing such as "John Doe attempts to pick up heavy item, but failed!" or "John Doe attempts to pick up heavy item, and succeeded!" I could see this being a lot more useful for RP instead of rolling a dice to attempt as I see other people often do.

  2. I feel like players should have the choice to register there vehicle, instead of the registration instantly be put on it. My Idea was that you would have to go to the DMV and buy the registration for a certain fee of around 500 dollars or something but you cant take off the registration once it's been put on. Like here is how I feel it should work.

    You buy a car that's imported -> You would have to get it registered.
    You buy a car from High End that's already registered -> The registration sticks with you without being able to take it off.
    You buy a car from High End that hasn't been registered -> You would have to get it registered.

    I feel that this would be a lot more realistic since you have to actually buy the registration from the DMV instead it magically coming with the car, and obviously if you get pulled over with no registration on the plates a name wouldn't be able to come up so the cops wouldn't know who the car belongs to and the driver would obviously get jail time. 

    Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

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