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Everything posted by tianity

  1. The Santos Organization started as a way for a group of friends to do organized crime while fronting as a legal not for profit organization. The Santos Organization is known for their soup kitchens around the city and helping the poor find jobs and a nice place to live. Fronting as a not-for-profit organization gave them the benefit as portraying themselves as the good guys in the public and law enforcement’s eyes while committing the biggest and profitable crimes under the shroud of darkness. When a bank would get robbed The Santos Organization was the least suspect of them all. The organization prefers to hide in plain sight. In order to blend in as a non-profit agency the roles within the organization are set up differently than a normal gang. The organization’s hierarchy is as follows: Chairman - The Chairman serves as the head of the board and is the tie breaking vote if needed. The Board - The Board is the most cherished position within the organization. The board is made up of a few individuals who control the organization using a democratic system. CEO – Elected by The Board. Oversees the day to day activities. Partner – Trusted member in the organization, highest appointed rank Senior Manager – In charge of the Managers Manager – In charge of the Staff reports to Senior Manager Staff – Regular member of the organization Associate – Recruit, must be voted into the organization by The Board to become a staff member Intern – Probationary stage How to join? - Find us, we are in navy blue vehicles and dress in navy as well - Or you may call or text The Chairman #2794145 to setup a meeting. OOC Rules: - Follow all server rules - Know how to roleplay - Speak English
  2. +1 I 100% agree with you. If you are controlling turf and operating a warehouse you should really have an active faction with more than just a few members.
  3. And maybe also a choice to wear no helmet at all if possible.
  4. Right I understand that making a script to die instantly with a shot to the head and to be injured from a shot to the leg would be the best case scenario. I was just saying as a compromise in case it can't be done to do the percentage instead of just having it the way it is now.
  5. I'm not an expert in this by any means but having everything client side is really annoying, is that a limitation of the client or was it just coded this way? Some Examples: 1. Car blowing up or being damaged for you but not for the people that weren't in the area at the time of being destroyed/damaged 2. Unlocking a car with bobby pins but the car being locked for someone not in the area at the time of the lock picking.
  6. Since the script might be to hard to implement how about just a 75% chance to survive from a fatal gunshot wound?
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