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fabian brown

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Everything posted by fabian brown

  1. yes but i no longer want this beguise i just think i will stick with the other account for the server and i am no longer interested in applying to the mechanics os yeah
  2. i dont know i know on anathor server you have to place a request on a forum and they will do it for you
  3. hello i want to know can i transfer money and vehicles from 1 character to anathor. if yes how? beguise i want to apply to be a mechanic but 1 character has assult and evasion charges and the other has nothing so i want to make my other character my main character.
  4. I just plug it out when the launcher starts and plug it in when gta 5 is loading like you see a nlack screen but it cut be that you already have the upfate and that you need to use a backup and then do this technique
  5. I want to join i am in your office right now
  6. eeehhhmmm i used it the game launched like expected but i started to update again...... sooooo......
  7. THANK YOU SO MUCH (i i am trying right now but thanks thanks thanks) and btw nice server and keep on going with the good content
  8. i now after doing the backup files thing it is just stuck in waiting for game to start and after 5 minutes it just cancels beguise it took to long does anybody know a fix? (i used to backup files to downgrade to game)
  9. thank you i will try it on the normal version just not with the steam file tank you so much
  10. scearch on the internet there is a guide here is a link (this is for lspdfr but will work if you just use you're backups and not make a new one like the guide says) http://www.lcpdfr.com/forums/topic/52764-how-to-avoid-rockstar-updates/ (i think this will work but i am not a 100% sure)
  11. no i have the game pre-orderd and have to disk so that is not an option. but how do i allow you to send the link? and how do i use the back-up?
  12. how do i allow you to that and how do i get it to not update on startup of the gt:mp game
  13. i can't play gt:mp after the gunrunning update. it says: unknown version (this is a scripthook message recommending me to download another version) i dont have a back up and dont know what to do please help
  14. i have tried to rob a store but i cut not get it to work can anybody tell my how i can do it?
  15. I got it to work by waiting realy long then exit the shop come back in and it worked
  16. i cant buy a gun at the gun store but i do have 1000$ and 2hours on the server but the orange loading simol just stays (that comes instead of the buy button)
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