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Everything posted by ChocolateRabbi

  1. Suggesting a server wipe of assets for all players upon changing to RAGE. This will encourage new players to engage more with the server, rather than scaring them away by seeing a huge wealth gap. Current government jobs should be held through the change, as to not ruin the current services that they provide. Please add further suggestions below.
  2. The removal of name tags of players being above players heads (but not permanently). Use perhaps an arrow or other form of indicator to still know if a player is talking, before knowing their name. But allow for players to exchange names to enable the name tag above a player. Could be achieved by doing /exchangedetails <target ID> or /exde <target ID> which sends a request to the player with target ID (in close vicinity) and asks whether to accept or decline (similar to mechanic’s offers). This may find more sense being linked in with an update with phones, for example, adding a person to your contacts (again a request) can allow for their name to appear above the player’s head. Please reply with any further improvements to this suggestion.
  3. I don't know why you're earning so little. But from trucking alone I've made enough to fully mod two cars. Stop whining, start trucking!
  4. There are some factions that you need to stay away from, otherwise death will follow.
  5. Brian Smith. Trucker. Praiser of the Moose God. Owner of the fastest Panto.

  6. You're not right And my English is does not suck.
  7. If Cindy Leone doesn't want to die, she shouldn't poke her nose into The Syndicate.
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