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About Dekkar88

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  1. Is there official channels to get a hold of them? I have however, sent PMs via these forums if it is the only way.
  2. Hey I am a veteran from back n the day, I am trying to connect back, I am able to login to my account in the server and the panel - however I cant do anything because I need a google* authenticator thing? I dont have my old email anymore, it was deleted by my ex - I use a new one now.. How can I get it updated so I can play again? I use to go by Dekkar Darkmire, I helped build the LSPD Detective faction back in the day with Trevor and was a Detective, then went away n came back n was a PO3 for a while then went away again. Well after these years I am ready to rejoin the server, however I need to be able to change my GMAIL to the one I am using now or I cant use my old account. any help would be greatly apprecaited
  3. Theres a constant flow of new comers to the server that arn't very bright and or don't bother to read the rules and follow them. I've had some really great roleplay with some people, with others was hit or miss whether or not they will do some powergamey rob event like what happend to you. If you feel like you're being mistreated or have a question about anything always take advantage of the /report command, as you can then contact an admin directly and see if what is happening is even allowed.
  4. There were rumors that the bug in it was fixed, but it is still not functioning as intended. When after RPLY stabilizing a civilian/suspect and no medical units are available, we try to use the /drag command, it works, saying in /me Dekkar Darkmire carries *name* to a vehicle , up until we do /undrag, as soon as you do, it insta heals the person your dragging - and insta kills/incapacitates the police officer - as if the roles switch as soon as you type /undrag. Now this ONLY applies to downed suspects/civilians, and works fine for healthy living suspects/civilians. Also noticed that in most cases whilest they are draged, and you enter your squad car, they are stuck in a teleporting phaze where they keep entering/exiting the back of the police vehicle. Reconnectng doesn't seem to fix.
  5. Hello, my in game name is Police Officer II Dekkar Darkmire, I am reporting a bug related to the arresting script on the server. Players that are masked, that remain masked at the PD, charges will not stick, and if you try to arrest them after typing the charges, they delete, and the system tells you "This player has no charges". However, if they remove the mask, the charges then stick and you can arrest them as normal.. But if they put the mask back on while your adding charges, it will again remove the charges unless you arrest them before then. So in summary, it seems to be that there is a conflict with players alternate mask ID - and the arresting system identifying him as the player ID.
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