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Posts posted by Vetro

  1. 19 hours ago, Eshu said:

    As more people join the server and play, houses will continue to rise in value. It's this thing called scarcity and supply and demand. The economy is not fucked, it's working perfectly.  

    Look i own two houses and even though i have massively profited from this i think the market as it currently is is dumb, there should be apartments made for new players. Supply and demand has always worked fine on this server with reselling houses for profit but at this point its too high to where its impossible to find anything to live in unless you grind your ass off. There is a reason for why eclipse has made "suggested" prices for each house. a 2g shouldn't cost 400k. The best thing would be to add apartments which would mean lots of new citizens would be able to get a cheap place to live in and RP without ruining it for those who are rich or who have invested in expensive houses.

  2. Obey 9F - 330k

    Note: This is being sold for my friend Stan Marshall, if you wish to purchase the car please contact him at ((Darren#9809 on discord))

    - Maxed out engine, turbo(1/2), transmission, brakes aswell as suspension.

    - Visual mods include; Custom red alloy rims, carbon hood, xenon lights, carbon spoiler with more.

    - V8 rear mounted engine, six speed manual gearbox and leather interior with sports seats (can be seen in the pictures below)




  3. 56 minutes ago, DmK said:

    Lol what a story, first= i'm not a player that has been on this server for 3 weeks so that total bs, second= i dont care about the grind gangs have on this server,  thirth= the thing i care about is that this server needs to enforce normal RP, and should stop the gangs from getting bigger and bigger, untill they cant handle it anymore, the only thing i see on this server is Gang RP and that is a problem that you just dont want to see/admit. This server is going to be a cops/robber server like this and not a server that enforces good and normal roleplay, and YES i do think gangs should be a part of the server, but not like this and THAT is the only point i'm trying to make. enforce normal RP, make gangs smaller and have more controll over there members. What i see happening is that the only thing new players want is join a gang, and this should not be the main focus point of Eclipse RP. buildings that could make the server feel alive like Vanilla unicorn is never used, why? people just want to rob the shit out of everyone/thing they see, clubs are allmost never open, people with masks everywhere.

    is this the kind of RP you want?


    I must say, in the time i have been back the most respect goes out to the Clowns, never had any problem with this gang.

    But when i see Las Zetas and the Irish its just out of controll, recruiting new players at the bank that just tryed to fight you or anyone around them for nothing, when you tell the irish ic what this person did they recruit him anyway, this is not good for them nor the server, and my encounters with Las Zetas, is that they kill/rob everything they see without a legit reason. so no hard feelings about the clows, i just point at those two gangs because they dont have controll over there faction members if i see this kind of stuff. I would just like to see the server filled with some great legal/illegal rp, and its just not a good thing if you see masks/guns on every corner of Los Santos, thats not how Eclipse should be.

    Doubt this will ever change sadly, people apparently prefer to be some outrageous hypebeast gangster driving a supercar with a huge spoiler and neon instead of actually roleplaying lul

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  4. I don't think anyone really agrees with this i just think people would like to see more realistic and more effort being put into how the big gangs roleplay. They should be a good example of how to roleplay playing as a criminal for all the new people. When Zetas, Irish etc. go around and rob players without any proper RP for no real reason in the city at 12am that shows the new players that its okay just to do that. That its okay just to pull up to somebody and say hands up then proceed to /me attempts to pat down /do success? After all this is a roleplay server so i don't understand why people play it as if it was GTA online. This is not something the individual gang leaders can really manage as they have a life and can't track everyone during their RP but they should enforce the level of RP as they are an official faction. This will also help those who are members of factions complaining about new players that can't roleplay. There is nothing wrong with robbing someone but rob people at drug labs or in the forest or something, not in the middle of the day in the city.

    • PogU 1
  5. 13 hours ago, punched said:

    Look at the market place threads for these types of advertisements. This is the one for real estate: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/20-real-estate/

    Nobody here is selling any houses, literally only people buying houses. Thats the problem. The market is completely ruined currently and the prices have gone up crazy amounts because of the high demand and low supply. It doesn't work out. My character drives a 400k sportscar but can't get a basic house.

  6. Yeah its pretty impossible to find a house unless you have millies in the bank these days, back in 2017-2018 when i started playing it was quite easy to acquire a house but still took a lot of hard work. The prices around two months or so were quite high but reasonable and stable but with all the new players it is impossible to buy a house. It's quite demotivating to have a character with a lot of money that is homeless because there isn't any houses for sale on the server. It also seems stupid to make and work to acquire money when you can't spend it on anything except cars. I've alredy suggested that adding more houses is a good idea, and have gotten lots of lots of +1's so i hope it will get passed soon. I know the admins will auction off a few houses this saturday but im sure someone will bid super high on them and they won't change the market at all and just go to the rich people on the server again. The few people that are actually selling their house are selling them for extremely unfair markups just because of the high supply and micro demand. Doesn't really work out in a fun or fair way. Hopefully there will be some sort of fix to this soon. 

  7. Its good to see that admins are auctoning off a Hermes and an Arena Issi but everyone still wants the GTA Online cars that hasn't been added yet. Especially the Jester Classic, Savestra, Pariah and Schlagen GT. Most other RAGE servers have them and its sad we don't have them in here because this is the best server. I wan't to create an RP faction for cars and these new cars would make everything better and make it so we would have more diverse cars. Especially tuner cars we need more of. Also we need to have added the new tuning parts and liveries for the penumbra,futo, ruiner and prairie that were recently added in GTA online. Would make for some great midnight tuner races.


    • Like 1
  8. +1 there's too many stupid unrealistic robberies happening with all the new people joining. Super unrealistic. Should be a rule forbidding that. Also there should possibly be a rule against using masks everywhere in public. Only using masks if you're going to rob people or you are running from someone.

  9. 18 hours ago, JayGamble said:


    We don't go around robbing fishermen and farmers in the first place. We are one of the longest standing gangs, so clearly complacency isn't an issue. The council existed long before Vice was even created so I'm not sure where that came from. Are you aware that in almost every "war" we've played a major role in "fighting" without outside assistance, we didn't even utilize "joint frequencies" our allies have established in the past. Zeta's isn't a gang that "calls on others" to fight wars. Perhaps these new gangs should invest themselves in "criminal rp" and politics vs "how fast can we get a gun and shoot at the notable gangs". The council was literally created to police smaller gangs, from behaving like monsters.. and gangs that step out of line ultimately become targets. Ask the numerous other small gangs that exist in the city with zero problem from us. 


    This is "multiple" small gangs, grouping up and trying to fight us. This isn't criminal RP.. this is people running around shooting for excitement. Majority of "new" gangs I've encountered are here to DM every chance they get, not create quality RP. The "deepest" criminal RP I've been apart of on this server is alongside these gangs that help makeup the "council". 
    At the end of the day, time and time again we see it with the new smaller gangs that come; they expect to be on the same level as people who have developed their factions over the better half of a year and have an equal standing, versus taking the time to build something reasonable through RP means. Zetas started with 6 people in a back yard, when there were 5 other major gangs (20-30 members), we did not "start out" where we are. I can tell you, we didn't go the route you guys did to get here, and we did quite well. People go out of their way to target Zetas, and then are upset when we retaliate. 🤷‍♂️

    No offense to you personally, or a few others of your high standing members and while i do agree with your perspective on the overall situation a lot of zetas (even some high standing ones) are just as bad as these new gangs at roleplaying and actually playing in a somewhat realistic way. Its quite impossible to roleplay and interact with any sort of gang in here because everyone is so damn hostile, zeta or new player. Even as a civilian trying to be friendly you immediately get told to fuck off or you get robbed. I get that gangs should be hostile to randoms but its gone to the extreme of either you are a friend or you get fucking robbed and shot. 

    • Like 1
  10. My advice is to try and start something up with friends or someone that you invite to join the server because with the current people on the server its literally impossible. Everyone is super hostile and will just tell you to either fuck off or get your hands up and rob you. Its not anything near roleplaying.

  11. 34 minutes ago, Noobfest said:

    Definite +1


    I really wanted to be a legal citizen with a legal job. I started doing trucking, courier job, money transfering, garbage job and bus driving. They were all the same thing with a different tag on them. As you can imagine I got bored of that pretty quickly. Then I tried going around selling tacos and that excited me as an idea. Guess what, nobody wanted to buy my tacos (even though I lowered the price quite a bit) because nobody really needed them. This is where a hunger system would help. If there was such a system food making and selling jobs could pop up. Have restaurants and fast food joints instead of selling everything at the general stores. Anyways, in the end I ended up fishing because that was the most well paying job there is as a legal non-government job. Well I don't need to tell you that this became mundane really fast (and didn't make THAT much money, really). So a choice was presented to me: Either become a criminal or a government official. And that's why the server is "Cops vs Robbers".


    That pilot job is an excellent idea. I have seen a helicopter only once throughout my time in the server and never an airplane. It could provide a more difficult job that needs more requirements and could offer a high-end more well paying legal option.


    More jobs could definitely help the server a lot. In the state it is right now I'm getting bored of it quickly while I really don't want to.

    The server is currently based on cops VS criminals. Only those get stuff to actually do, commands, etc.. You can't play a Civilian. Only "civ" faction really is downtown cab co. It takes one hell of an imagination to play a civilian as a roleplayer and even then you won't ever make any money by doing so.

  12. +1!


    How about a Miner job? at the Quarry. Miners would have to go and mine at the quarry for diamonds rocks and other minerals and drive it to the melting place thats in town (FROM GTA single player) and then sell it


    Image result for gta v quarry

    image.thumb.png.b926f29fc486c550ecf39e278618730a.pngRelated image



  13. 18 minutes ago, NoobDude said:

    If you are here for some strict roleplay then you are at wrong place. You will hardly find people roleplaying. Pretty much everyone has a gun and if your interaction with them doesnt go down well then they pull the gun out and rob you. NCZ are the only safe areas, pretty much everywhere else you are prone to getting robbed/killed.

    you are telling the truth my man, been robbed five times today by noobs not properly roleplaying it. its getting to the point where its not fun anymore. Those that robbed you in the money truck were really entertaining to watch though, come and rob me guys! good job

  14. +1 on this one, i'd like to have supercars rare but the point with supercars being too fast really isn't valid. Many sportscars are almost as fast and look and in real life would be just as expensive. Everyone on the server is driving Specters or Seven-70's so i don't see why we can't have some at least slow supercars like the Vacca or Bullet? i mean those are so slow even some of the more mediocre sportscars can follow them in speed. I'd like to see supercars return but at a higher price, i'm thinking the cheapest ones would start at around 1 million and the more expensive ones could go up to 3-4 (Nero, t20, xa-21 etc. the most desired ones) i Very rarely see supers here but i see expensive sportscars all the time.

  15. Im always just salty about this but the roleplay quality at this point has really hit the bottom. Everyone is just BARELY playing by the rules, but putting aboslutely no effort into their roleplay. This happens daily to literally everyone i know that plays as a lawabiding citizen. Someone in a Schafter v12 will pull up with their gun in their hand and tell you to put your hands up and then frisk you and run away. They refuse to have any sort of conversation, or roleplay it in other ways than /me attempts to frisk the man /do success?. I've even experienced this myself in my short time in a gang on one of my characters. Some of the members tried to roleplay, but most were just there to farm money in groups and rob innocent people without any effort being put in. Doubt this will ever change, but i wish there would be some new rules for when it comes to robbing. Giving either citizens some way of defending themselves without them having their gun out constantly, or at least punishing those who aren't here to roleplay but instead to make money and guns. Apparently 50% of the server is badass robbers driving supercars and robbing people on the public streets of Los Santos.  At this point it isn't about roleplaying and interacting with others but about making as much money as possible. Its not about being some drug dealer selling drugs in shady alleys in their old sedan but a guy in full camo outfit with an isis mask driving a drag bike filled with drugs and guns 200 km/h in the city about to drop it off. Everyone is playing to WIN and cops are just as bad as zetas or irish members. None of these factions will allow anyone to win over them or win in an RP situation. They'll simply drive around in groups of 3 contenders and completely dominate everything with ak's. Taking over a druglab and farming it for hours or mass robbing everyone in a row. More civilian jobs would really help, there is too much focus and reward on being a criminal or a cop on the server right now. Make more fun jobs for citizens and make it more valuable to play by the laws of los santos. Hit harder on people that aren't here to RP but instead play GTA Online. Unlike many other servers on FiveM where people seem to be in character, develop their character and have an unique and interesting personality, EclipseRP has turned into gang wars and cops and robbers. I really like this server and i've been here since 2017 on and off, and honestly i can say the playerbase was better back then. Smaller sure, but also more enthusiastic.The game is just not fun at its current state unless you are either a cop or a faction gang member. You don't really have anything to do, and you can't make any money roleplaying. I've tried trust me, but nobody wants to talk to you. Funnily enough i find most new players to be the most interesting to roleplay with, they come from SAMP and are really trying with /me and /do's but they usually really fast find out that thats not the way to play in here. You use voice chat to quickly say hands up, and have /frisk ready to copypaste on your keyboard. Many new players i've helped here will agree with me and OP.

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