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Everything posted by AliX

  1. welcome to this community brother, they gave me a warm welcome when I joined too, you just need time to practice for the things that you said. I will be looking forward to talk with you as I m talkative and I wanna make friends everyday
  2. it looks cool man, I'm looking forward to join this family
  3. thanks for your information, I was planning to join Police Department but as I see I have to learn some basics then I can join them, for im focusing to improve my rp skills, and learn the rp standards in eclipse rp
  4. yes, I got both of you thank you so much for helping me out.
  5. of course brother, I'm doing that already and will do as always so it means can I join gangs with my experience? as I was in many gangs in fivem servers, I wanted to join but they didnt let me.
  6. thanks for your help! understandable and very helpful.
  7. Hello everyone, sorry for wasting your times by posting this topic in this section. I have a question, how can I increase my xp is there anyway boost your xp in order to join gangs and police, they wants me to get more experience. and when the new player tag gets removed on my head? Im playing this server for almost a week and its in my head still : (
  8. thanks for your comments ladies and gentlemen. Especially Miss Quietthecutie, you helped me alot I read each links that you sent, they were very helpful and improves my rp skills. once again, thanks for your respects that I saw, I would like to meet you in game >
  9. thanks for both of you I would be happy to see you in game, whats your names?
  10. hello guys I was playing fivem server like for 3-4 years, and now I wanna hear some stories in this beautiful server. and I want to get some friends if it is possible
  11. I'm new to this city, hope you enjoy my story that is way before joining this city. My name is Mike Hill I grew up in poor family his family always abused him, I never had a fun time being a kid after a while his parents passed away, so he went and started to live in a shelter he grew up there. When he grew up he left that place and tried to find a job, but he failed he wasn't educated enough to get a job then he went and joined a gang. he started robbing jewelry stores, banks, markets, and killing people. One day he got caught and was sent to jail for rest of his life for 3rd degree murderer.
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