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Posts posted by Randul

  1. What about allowing estate agents the option to mark a house for sale on the map similar to the current blip option for weazel news. If the house sells they gain a small commission, but you can sell the house yourselves however it doesn't gain the mass awareness that an estate agent covers. If this was implemented I'd like to see the removal of the housing marketplace forum, that or only allow estate agents to post in there on other peoples behalf. 

    We currently have people trying to rp as estate agents, as you are just copying an already existing system that is already in place (weazel news blips) it shouldn't take that much additional work. 

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  2. Just now, Scott Cleverley said:

    Where does the money goes from licensing? they share all of it or what?!?

    The money collected through licensing and registration is collected by the board of commissioners and then placed into the treasury, to be used later down the line. 

  3. The first draft of the suggestion has been written up, it's currently with the commissioners to edit and post at their discretion. 

    11 hours ago, Vasquez said:

    A branch of the government should be dedicated to hosting social events and assist people with a low income with assisted payment for medicine, psychologist, education etc.

    Social Services department maybe?

    A business investigation branch would also be very cool, could be added in under the Business License Bureau and the investigations could be added to the intern duties.

    The first part may be heavily tweaked to allow for a worthwhile job, but will certainly look into it. The second point will be added but the agreed rank it falls under maybe changed, to justify the level of responsibility given.

    • Like 1
  4. I think most of if not all agree that all your items should be removed from your person when you enter jail including current clothes they should only have small effects like pictures of family / friends. 

    I also think that the majority believe that your none perishable items excluding any weapons should be returned to yourself after some rp with DOC (as rightfully they should have the items). 

  5. 7 hours ago, ItsPazz said:

    Thank you for your answers. I know you stated that you would draft something up, I'm not sure if you were planning on including what happens to businesses that are not registered. From my understanding, they are not allowed to be operated unless they are officially registered with City Hall, but as operated is definitely not the same as owned, they would remain owned by the same person, and not taken away. Is this true? Or am I wrong? If so, what does happen to businesses that don't get registered? 

    I wasn't until now, thank you for the suggestion.

  6. 17 hours ago, Denni said:

    Hey! This is fantastic however it would be great to get more clarification on the current business registering/licensing. Pricing and other things people need to know. As this is a little unclear at the moment! Keep up the good work! 

    Good idea, I'll draft something up today and with approval will be posted later today. 

    12 hours ago, ItsPazz said:

    I'd like to see a public post containing information and listing all fees for the registration of businesses and licenses, it's something that I feel like should've been created before pushing City Hall and business registration as a whole. I don't think the registration being a thing now is a bad thing, I just think a public document with the fees is of importance so that us business owners know what to expect.

    Unfortunately due to the way that the registration and licensing fees will change over time until we find a nice balance. Making a post with figures on would just be outdated almost instantly. Even if this wasn't the case the commissioners have decided they don't wish the figures to be public knowledge at this time.

  7. We all know about the new state government being put in place, but what would you like to see from it? Be it judicial or economy based.

    We have a fantastic opportunity with this to mold it into something where we can all have our input. I have combed the suggestion thread going back 18 months to find server suggestions that are similar to the above. If you feel like your opinion can be summed up by a previous suggestion thread please link it so we can reference it. 

    I can't promise that all of the suggestions will be put into place, or what time frame they will be incorporated, all I am offering is for you to have your say. I beg of you to be civil and polite to each other in this thread and hopefully, this can be really constructive. 

    Reading Material: (Lots of the below threads are archived, but you can take ideas from them)








  8. Remove the complexity from the suggestion. I love the idea but it's way to complex. Bills have to paid every [4] weeks, an extension can be made from City Hall for upto [12] weeks because after 12 weeks of inactivity you'd lose it anyhow. 

    Bill's are tied to number of garages ans that's all they are affected by. 1 Garage = [1], 2 Garage = [1.4], 3 Garage = [1.8], 4 Garage = [2.4]

    With the new government and mayor system be put in eventually. All the numbers in [Square brackets] can be changed based on his / her policies. 


  9. I think the idea is good but the only example is a poor one. Examples that should have been provided: Background checks needed; interview with a news source; ride-a-longs there is a whole host of things that would benifit from this implementation. 

    Side note: please can we add polls to the original post of suggestions to gauge responses instead of this +1 - 1 and leave the replies to add details around the original suggestion. 

  10. I would love for a system like this to implemented however, you would need either players to always be truthful and honest during a /do (which some players police / criminals may lie to further their cause) or you would need to able to gather detailed evidence via server admins. 

    What evidence would you expect the prosecutor (typically the police) to have for a successful verdict?

    • CCTV
    • DNA 
    • Ballistics report, if you shot your weapon
    • Sworn testament from a civilian not convicted of a felony
    • Call logging



    Like my first arrest where I was robbed and after defending myself and shooting one of the robbers, I got arrested for "armed robbery" and the actual robber was released free. I had no way to defend myself and was locked away for 56months which in rp is nonsense.

    What evidence if given the opportunity would you provide, or hope the police provided to stop you going to jail? Surely it would your word against the man dead with gun shots from your weapon? 

    As I said I'd love for this to be implemented, but I'm concerned with either the player-base trying to gain the system via lying or that it would be implemented without the correct tools for it to be used correctly. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, david fibonacci said:

    Something like /me attempts to tie the mans hands together /do success? then if do /tie [id] or something

    Spot on, after you've done /tie [id] they would need to approve it with /tieaccept. 

    I understand /cuff doesn't require an accept from the other party, however the PD are trained that it should be rped at all times when possible. As this item would be enabled from the start upon load in I am purely trying to prevent the griefing that could occur. 

  12. If used well it will certainly enhance roleplay, as mentioned I'd like to see it come with an approval for the other party similar to /frisk,  as well as a /me or /ame similar to /cuff. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, aBraM said:

    I was chased by an Elegy fully customized with neon and a Bati and I stunted away with a faggio! a damn faggio
    and I've succeeded but they cried that I'm stunt jumping..

    It's about positioning your car..

    Have to say this concerns me, you are well aware it is in the rules stunt jumping currently is classed as fail rp and punishable on this server, yet you still went ahead in doing a stunt jump so you would win your situation regardless of the impact on the rp of the people involved. 

  14. Another side note, most if not all the stunt jumps in game have no down ramp meaning that you always be flat landing, as this means all of the pressure of the landing will be put into the vehicles suspension because all of the pressures will be displaced vertically and not both vertically and horizontal like they are with a down ramp. Currently in game it would mean maybe two or three vehicles could take the impact. The rest would be classed as fail rp,  because they simply wouldn't survive the landing. 

    Sidenote: The directional inputs while airborne used to be disabled, making the skill you refer to being obsolete. Not sure if this is still the case. 

  15. It's due to server sync, you have to aim where you believe they are going to be in a second not where they currently are. On your screen you have hit them with every bullet but due to their sync with the server it currently hasn't updated their true location. It sucks but you will get used to it soon. 

  16. Use /report in game, currently support members are answering them as quickly as they are being asked. Admins don't usually answer these questions as that is what the support role is for, but if they have time to spare they may be able to help. This also prevents wrong information be given, even with good intentions. 

  17. 10 hours ago, nateX said:

    Well would you enjoy going to the PD station and getting robbed? Well that have happened to me, and I didn't really enjoy it that much, because it seemed stupid and it made me feel like the police station didn't have a single camera.

    Which is the reason for the new zones, to try and prevent this from happening.

  18. If you agree prior to the meeting that you are bringing weapons to the club as a neutral ground to sell them with a prearranged buyer I can't see why it would be against the rules. I suggest taking screen shots of the meeting being prearranged however just to stop confusion and protect yourself. 

    The other side is that if the arms deal went sour the side who felt cheated has no way of getting back. Obviously they could only do this for 15k and the seller would have a bad reputation but is that trade off enough to prevent this? 

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