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Posts posted by idgafashlee

  1. 1 minute ago, AtlasOLimbo said:

    For context, from the UG leader.

    crazy how you're always speaking on behalf of others whom are exceedingly capable of voicing their own opinions. i'm sure mel is delighted you're bringing her views into an unrelated forum topic. 
    Weasel says they're capable of dealing with things ICLY. The majority of Underground started a new group and have been thriving despite the disband. If you're so bothered about SAGOV, do something about it ICLY. FM doesn't owe anyone anything, we shouldn't act entitled, anyone can create phenomenal RP without altRP and staff support. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, AtlasOLimbo said:

    Ahah. Nearly any event/altRP we tried to co-ordinate with LFM either got ignored or given a flat out no. That's what caused the OG leader to leave. We tried, and tried, and tried. And got nowhere. We had our fun.

    i think you're getting off-topic and your view of what the underground was capable of (with or without LFM help) dramatically differs from many others, but i digress. let's focus on the topic at hand, which is putting this energy into an IC movement, because change isn't easy, but it's certainly possible. 

    • Confused 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Clank said:

    Thats what im saying gangster, we need to move these protests from the forums to in game so that actions can actually be taken. Like imagine if all the OG underground people came and started an IC revolution on the server. Now that is an RP opportunity!

    time for an IC Underground revolution, tell your friends.

  4. 20 hours ago, GR_Seb said:

    Once criminals stop this winning mentality of binding up while gunpoint, and start showing fear, police will use less tools to stop them.

    sweet boy, you wildin if you think the win mentality doesn't exist on both ends of the spectrum. crims and cops are equally guilty for this. truly one side is not better than the other in this situation my friend.  if you're gonna say all crims have a winning mentality because a handful of them do, then others are going to say all cops have a winning mentality because a handful of them do. 
    stop pointing fingers and blaming others, we can all take accountability and strive to do a little bit better, no?

  5. 2 hours ago, GR_Seb said:

    The Actual problem


    So, they have to tase you again and again until you start roleplaying.

    oh my sweet dear papadakis, the red text in all caps goes crazy babe. 

    there are numerous problems at hand here, so let's not get it twisted. should criminals accurately roleplay being tased and not just get up and start running again each time they're incapacitated? absolutely. should police stop pulling out tasers and tasing someone immediately without demands or any type of vocal interaction, effectively ending the roleplay at hand? doesn't seem like a hard ask... there's certainly a happy medium here pal.

    • Like 3
  6. 6 hours ago, Bala said:

    Water isn't wet, because it needs a solid surface to maintain itself on, to achieve a state of wetness.

    Water is never dry, so by extension, it can't be wet.


    but wait, if something isn't dry is it wet? 

  7. On 11/17/2023 at 3:32 PM, Victor Einhart said:

    Who was this? Which officer did this? Was it reported? Why not?

    Hey Einhart! Hope you're having a good day 🙂

    Have you ever considered that some people don't like to report others? Just because it wasn't "reported" and there isn't documentation of the occurrence, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Reporting someone for using an in-game mechanic doesn't really seem fair, does it? But if you feel that the in-game mechanic is potentially being abused and could use some editing, a suggestion is the perfect place to find yourself on the forum! Some players in our community don't desire for others to receive punishments, or simply can't be bothered with the time and effort that go into a report, so isn't a nice alternative for a report, a forum suggestion based on things you've observed? 

    I don't think we should be promoting report culture in every situation, sometimes it's just not necessary! 🙂 Just because something wasn't reported doesn't mean it didn't happen. We shouldn't attack people on the principle of "your example holds no value because 'was it reported?'."

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Astrx said:

    There's a multitude of different things that I hate with crims, things that crims do that bother me and piss me off, I don't sit here and make threads to remove them because I have an issue. I deal with it, I adapt, it is not hard. I'm not going to go into it but there is a lot of double standards with these threads and it turns into slander extremely quickly. TLDR; entire "mechanics" are not going to be removed just because it bothers you.

    Oh baby, I don't think you're seeing the bigger picture here. In my initial post, I said I believe raids shouldn't be removed entirely. As someone with nearly equal hours on my criminal and legal character, I can understand the depth that goes into a raid. Crims being annoying and "pissing you off" is both none of my concern and not at all the topic at hand. A game mechanic, that allows law enforcement to simply bolt cut into someone's house and is upsetting MANY people (so don't come at me sideways saying something shouldn't be removed just because it bothers "me"), a game mechanic that is not available for criminals to use, should probably be reworked to find a happier medium. 
    The TLDR here truly is that we're a roleplay community, we're supposed to be creating enjoyable (or at least hopefully kind and positive???) scenarios for the people we're interacting with (and if you use the argument that getting arrested isn't enjoyable or dealing with criminals isn't enjoyable I will kick, scream, and cry out of frustration because you're just not getting the point obviously). If an ALLOWED game mechanic is producing a negative outcome for someone EVERY TIME, don't you think it should be looked into? Or are we all just cool with the mentality "You might be upset for a couple of weeks but oh well, you'll come back"?

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  9. 14 hours ago, HobGoblin said:

    Over the past few months multiple high tier criminals have been raided during a large scale operation. While people were not happy in the first few days / weeks the same people raided still continue to play. 

    So people are unhappy and demotivated for days or even WEEKS, but it's simply not a big deal because they didn't fully "quit", which justifies keeping a game mechanic that bothers people?

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