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About R6sweat12

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  1. how long does it usually take to reply on a ban appeal

  2. R6sweat12


    Jason Brule Jason was born on 25/07/1998 Jason has always been involved involved in criminal activity and never did well in school. Until one day Jason was sent to Aspire and this is where he met his life long friends. His friends Tyrone Joshua, Pablo Bong, Diablo Joshua and Roman Bong also had a hard growing up in the dirty streets of Hackney. At the age of 14 the Pablos started to do things like sell food to other hustlers on the block. We all thought it was time we finally had different roles in our gang and Pablo and Tyrone took on the role of leaders. I took on the role of OG, Roman took on the role of business manager and Diablo took on the role of look out. By the age of 20 Pablos decided to do one of there biggest scores yet, which was robbing a bank. They planned for months and all was going well. They decided to hit the bank. Everything went great and thought we got away. As we were sat in the apartment the feds rolled up and trapped us in the apartment all of us were locked up.We were deported to Los Santos as there prisons are more high security and decided to live life on there. After our stay in DOC we decided to make Pablos great again. It was here they realised That things will be much more difficult than London as the Shenzen Dragon were making our life a misery. We were robbed multiple times and had no hope. That was until one day the battle plan finally began stage 1 ...
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