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About Jeka

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  1. Chris Reynolds A Dream to Reality Living in San Diego, California, I was attracted to the open roads from a young age. I became fascinated by motorcycles as a teenager after buying my first bike, a used BMW R60 for $300 at a garage sale, and never looked back. Within a short time, I was riding with the local outlaws, but realized that this wasn't the life that I'm looking for. After moving to Los Santos, I saved up some money and bought a brand new Nightblade. I was so excited, I was spending most of my time on the road with the roaring motor. Once I heard that there are a few Motorcycle Clubs in the city I visited them and got to know a few people, but soon enough, I met Charlie Rellet at the pier, the President of the Diablos Motorcycle Club. Charlie expressed his interest in my Nightblade and immediately introduced me to the other members who were at the pier that moment. They invited me to join an event the the Diablos were planning. Later that week, after riding with them I felt like I reunited with my family and met a bunch of people that share the same interest and enjoy the open road, I felt like this is my new home. I was excited to tell my friends about the Diablos MC, and brought them to meet the club members. Soon enough, after hanging out with the club, Charlie and Ace have offered me a red and gold colored patch saying "Prospect" on it and a black bandanna, and I became a prospective member in the Diablos MC. I now wear the patch with pride and feel like this is the beginning of something big. Chris Reynolds DFFD Diablos forever, Forever Diablos
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