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Dax K

[Refund Request] Dirk King (220,000)

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Dirk King, 220,000

property San Virtus blvd 3.

Between 4-6 PST 6/13/21.

Hello, character name is Dirk King, the incident happened between 4-6 PST time, 6-12-21. The apartment address is 3 San virtus blvd, cross street is Spanish Ave, right on the Corner one block from LSC. I was told to make a report here, was also told I need a head admin to handle the issue. So I put my apartment on the market for 220k and saw that is said 0 for me I thought that because I owned the property already. I made a weazel news add for the apartment and listed it for 220k. I got a call right away, I was at the pier fishing watching a friends car. The guy wanted to trade a maxed elegy retro and I said thats fine but I’m busy right now, he was typing messages on the phone so I’m sure you can retrieve the conversation. I told him to meet me at the pier and bring the car. He came to the pier and I looked at the car, told him I’ll get in contact with you after my friend is back because I was watching his car. The guy asked where the apartment was. I told him were it was so he can look at the location. Once friend came back I called the guy and text him and he did not respond. I went to the apartment with another guy potentially wanting to buy the apartment and noticed it did not belong to me anymore. The man that came to the pier drove by and speed off really fast. The money for the apartment was not in my bank and the apartment was not mine anymore. I listed the apartment for 220k in management property page and it sold for 0 dollars. I was told it is not even possible to sell a property for 0 Dollars. Something had to have glitched out. If you look through logs you will see I made an add and paid for the add and it said 1g 220k. I really hope this gets resolved because this is a huge bummer that something like this would happen. I can suspect the guy that went to look at the apartment saw it and took the apartment, but I made a weazle news add so it could have possible been anyone. The fact is I already listed the property for 220k before I even made the add so this shouldn’t even have been an issue. I do have the mans phone number and text messages. I spend quit a bit of time here and this is really a frustrating situation I’m in. 

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