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Drug Running/Cooking Overhaul

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Drug cooking needs to be overhauled

(I am somewhat new to the server so if something I say is wrong please correct me).

First, look at the process you must go through to make 1 drug.

  1. Trip to the beach to fill up my water bottles. 
  2. Trip to chem lab for drug materials. 
  3. Squirreling your way to drug lab location to pick marijuana.


  1. Requiring a trip to the ocean to fill up water bottles is a waste of time, and also simply doesn't make sense. Not to mention the fact that you can only carry 20-25 at a time due to volume cap. This becomes an issue when your making 10+ drugs and you have to make constant trips to the ocean to fill up. Bottles should be refilled from a sink/faucet or even in public buildings. Also, why should we even have to go through all this effort if the table can blow up at any time anyways? Fix one or the other
  2. In order to effectively buy materials from chem labs you must take in briefcases because the materials don't stack. This just doesn't make sense and is unrealistic. Your telling me I can comfortably hold 8 briefcases but not a few teaspoons of powder? Make drug materials stackable please
  3. Like it has been mentioned before, I think marijuana should be growable indoors (Or simply obtainable from somewhere besides a lab).  Too many times has a group of 5+ people pulled up, blocked the road and robbed me just picking weed. I've also seen people camp the hills on dirt bikes waiting to rob you when you show up

Even if you do all theses tasks unscathed, the profit margin is barely more than legal jobs (If that). There is a huge amount of risk that comes with drug running and cooking and the payout is definitely not worth in my opinion.

These problems seem to be consistent and happening for a while, so are the recommendations being ignored or not liked by admins?

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