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Keys and locks on Cars!!!!! IMPORTANT REALLY NEEDED!!!!

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I was Driving one day from the Pier To The Drop off for fish granted i have a truck and i have to unlock all the door just to access the trunk and it got stolen i think they should offer whats in houses to unlock things like you use E to use the door handles why not Use the same function to not only open the door but to unlock the one door to access the car cause think of it like this how it was stolen was cuase i have to unlock and walk to the back of the truck. 

Which also unlocks all Doors and they hopped right inside and drove off which in my book could of been avoided if they would allow us to unlock one door by / Command or using the mouse and using E just like to open truck and search trunk heck houses have the feature why cant cars yes keep the K unlock all im not saying get rid of that but being able to unlock one door would stop people from being able to steal you car.

Granted dose not mean you have to change pick locking to being only able to pick lock that one door than having to pick lock the trunk to steal there stuff lol but it would reduce the amount of stolen cars if you can add people needing to be able to unlock the one car door or trunk i hate that i lost 14k in fish cause the game did not have that feature i feel it would benefit even the Factions make being a criminal a little harder but more fun cause you have to put more work into ur pick locking.

Plus i seen a guy im sure he will see this and comment but he menioned needing Hotwire kit to hotwire a car it would be worth adding do it as a Command and not somthing you buy like /hotwire and license plate number just a idea can help stop car thefts of people who unlock there cars to empty it and it gets stolen cause its dumb as hell to steal someones car right infront of them.

if anyone came up with the same idea please send me a link so i can vote yes on it lol cause the more people who want it the better 

Edited by NeganTrueSavior
had to add one more thing
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Wouldnt be realistic RP, arms dont reach that far

True there bro true there but than again we are talking about a Guardian it is not possible to access a guardian like that so i would find it better to beable to unlock one door at a time that u need than unlock all doors to access the trunk i dont mind keeping K to unlock all doors but we need another way to unlock one door as needed like in real life i dont need to click a button to unlock all my doors when i can stick a key in and unlock my one door

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