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An Introduction of Sean AKA "Salty"

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(pre-word) Hi, after having played GTA V online for a while, I like the game but the online mode is full of hackers and griefers, and mostly you require the assistance of another player to complete missions etc, I have decided to give RP a go hoping that the community will be friendlier and that my in-game experience will therefore but a lot happier and less frustrating. 

 I have yet to receive an acceptance email, so I am not sure when I will be actually online (in-game) hopefully soon

My Character: 

Sean is a mid 40s guy, who has lived a steadfast life but never really achieved his goals, always being a law abiding citizen etc, but now he wants to move to somewhere new and try to attain what he always wanted. He is prepared to go beyond his limits and possibly (probably) run a few hustles to get there.  He isn't typically a violent person but can stand his own ground, being previously military trained he can handle a gun and knows the difference between self defence and manslaughter. He is looking to find a simple 9-5 to cover his daily needs and to seek out some extra 'paper' when the opportunity arises. 

He is British and has a preference for things British rather than American, especially cars and women.  His goal is an Aston Martin with a house overlooking the Hill, a pretty woman companion and to not worry about life. Ultimately to drop his 9-5 for a more lucrative lifestyle. life is full of lemons, so he is going to make lemonade.. 

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