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Am I not understanding how 'desync' works?

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My car got stolen twice today from two different 'hidden' locations. It's a shitty muscle car so I don't understand why anyone would steal it, or if anyone would, how could they find it every damn time? The first time it was in the last parking spot in an underground parking near a tunnel and the second time it was hidden on the second floor of another parking lot. Is someone just trying to mess up with my ig character? If so, how can they find the car every time? First time it was stolen, they drove it in the middle of nowhere (I could see it moving on the map). The second time it was found with 160 hp near the LSC. By the way, I remember locking it every time and turning off the engine.

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I just don't think that the average player would randomly find a cheap black car in an uncommon, less 'explored' dark spot and decide to drive it in the middle of nowhere or destroy it. I know it can be lockpicked.

I left another 'newer'  car in the middle of a highway for a few hours with drugs and gun parts in it and it wasn't even flinched. 

A few days ago I found the same car on top of a rival turf building after parking in another 'hidden spot'. 

Edited by \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
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That might be the case. Seems a bit pointless though.  I did that myself once to a supercar parked in a usually populated area. I would't expect less actually, but the car seems to be a target for that and it's HIDDEN every time. The thieves might've even used some 'assistance'.

Anyway, this thread is not going anywhere useful. I started it for the wrong reasons probably. 

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Hey, sometimes your car isn't positioned at the same location on everyone's games. For example; if you park in front of the police station, your vehicle is eventually going to appear inside the lobby for others; sometimes vehicles that are being sold at the car market appears at other locations on the map. 

This is what could be happening in terms of them finding your car. 

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