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Paleto gas station pump location

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As some people might have noticed, the most north fuel station of paleto got 2 spots that have pumps. One small spot right infront of a tiny supermarket with 2 more older and rusty pumps and the other spot is an actual bigger more clean looking area that got the same advertisement on it as the sings alongside the road.

The issue I am noticing is that many (new) players get confused, trying to get fuel at the actual station instead of those 2 tiny pumps. This means I almost need to place a blip, which I mostly do, but I have to make sure its VERY clear they need to drive towards the tiny supermarket for fuel.

I already did my best with furniture to grab attention, but people still seem to think the other spot with more pumps is the actual station, which I can't blame them for for thinking that. Personally, in the past, I've stood at that station too, being kinda amazed that the big area with pumps is not used, but I had to go to those small pumps right next to it for fuel.

ECRP also decided to protect the pumps with barriers and stuff, but it is actually not being used scriptly...


Here a picture for people that don't know what I talk about:

The orange drawing represents the current pump that is scriptly working at this station.
The green part is the area that most (new) players would expect to get fuel.
As you can see, all yellow marks represent the fuel station to be at the pumps in the green marked zone, also having fuel tanks next to it.



My suggestion would be to move the functioning pumps from the orange zone to the green zone as it makes way more sense in my opinion.


Edited by Yputi
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+1, it would be cool if this gas station belonged to two different people, the small gas for one person and the big one for the other.


The small gas station should have much less fuel capacity and be much cheaper to buy unlike the other ones.

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29 minutes ago, InvestedCereal said:

+1, it would be cool if this gas station belonged to two different people, the small gas for one person and the big one for the other.


The small gas station should have much less fuel capacity and be much cheaper to buy unlike the other ones.

Having 2 stations right next to eachother won't do good imo. Maybe a little weird too... The issue is, if the capacity would be lowered of the smaller station + a second station would come right next to it, the price of the smaller station would go down a lot. If not 3x lower. This would be a huge disadventage for the person who bought it (me in this case) and a little unfair if I say so myself. I can almost guarantee people would not go or even notice the smaller station at all, since that is pretty much the case already unless I use a blip to make it a little more clear, next to all the furniture and lights I placed to give it attention.

I personally feel like having just the station moved would be great. There are already props placed to block the pumps from exploding, but they are not functioning. Maybe this was originally the plan to use those pumps, but somehow didn't happen. Having 2 stations on the exact same property, 5 meters away from eachother seems not needed, espcially since there are already 2 other stations quite close to it. Imo it wouldn't be too weird too to have those 2 rusty pumps not functioning anymore, as it looks like it technically belongs to the little grocery store thats infront of it +... they are rusty... As seen in this picture:


It's not a request that would give me an adventage imo, it just makes more sense imo and would look a lot cleaner and better. This would help especially newer players as even if I stand there for around 5 minutes I keep seeing peopel stepping out at the modern bigger pumps, not even knowing how to get fuel as they sciptly can't get it there.




and be much cheaper to buy unlike the other ones.

The problem is is that there is no fixed price that has been decided by the server + the reasons I mentioned above.

Edited by Yputi
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