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Gold Diggers: It’s not all it’s cut out to be

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Gold Diggers: It’s not all it’s cut out to be


There seems to be a good handful of lucrative jobs in Los Santos. Some come with air conditioning, fancy vehicles, and some with life-saving opportunities. Almost all these jobs come with comfortable and professional clothing to brand the empire you choose. But there is one job out there that has no HR department; therefore, uniforms and safety are non-existent. That job is Mining.

On a recent visit to the Los Santos mines, conditions were deplorable and inhumane on many levels. Upon arrival, you are met with a strong smell of methane gas as the water splashes under your work boots. The deeper you descend into the mines, the harder it is to catch a breath. You walk past other miners, covered in silt and wet to the bone. They are not issued any regulators, and they work their butt off in zero light.

If the conditions of work aren't bad enough, they are in constant fear of being robbed of their hard-earned ores, or the vehicles that they have parked outside waiting on them. Ores in Los Santos mines can catch a pretty penny if you have the trunk space to carry them back to the foundry. With that value comes risk, and every miner is thinking of that fear until they deliver the goods and receive their paycheck, and they must carry the cash they just received to the bank to deposit it.

If you are thinking about becoming a miner, please be aware of your surroundings, keep your doors locked, and I recommend going with a friend. Treat the mines like you would an alley because it's not much safer than a dark alley when you descend into the moist tunnels.


Written by DJ Getti, Intern at Weazel News

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