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Crate/bag changes/ Expanding rules for crate robbery

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Right now people can just drive up minge grab crates and run away, which i personally find powergamey and kinda lame but is currently dodged because staff say it is animated... which doesnt mean much because they can still run like they are high on crack while holding 100-200 pounds of ore. So, I suggest that while holding a bag or crate your movement is slowed down this is simply to prevent people from minge grabbing and running away freely without giving the victim the ability to roleplay and it just makes sense that a crate would hold weight...


Also would like the rules to expand and list driving a bike while holding a crate... ive seen it happen multiple times to said victims of minge grabby banditos just figure having a more defined rule on this seems to be common sense... Im not arguing against robbery im arguing for roleplay during said robberies.

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This makes sense.

Riding a bike with a bag in your hands it sort of possible, just tricky. Driving any vehicle with a crate in your hands is questionable in itself, even if you RP'ly "placed it on the seat". Script obviously prevents you from doing that, so you should find the correct vehicle to do these things with or lose the crate.

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Thank you for your patience while this suggestion was being reviewed/researched.

After reviewing/researching this suggestion, we have decided to deny it for the following reason(s): 

  • If you drive with a bag or a crate while on a bike then you drop it now. There is also the public robbery rule where these cannot be robbed in public areas.

This decision is final. Unless instructed to, do not post another suggestion pertaining to this topic. You will still be able to submit other suggestions on the forums.




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