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Desync/Shutter/low fps Problems

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Account name: TasnikCharacter name: Ctac_GawrelykIssue/bug you are reporting: Lord Pepe told me to report that Issue. It seems like because of my shutter/ low fps and desync I seem to be slower to people than I actually are. This not only bothers me, but also let people think I would use bugs and such(link to the thread bellow). Also then a lot of players or cars are around I get really low fps. On the second video I drew with Lord Pepe. It got a lot better than the shooting scene or the police chase, but its still looks to the others like I would rive aroun 80 km/h while on my screen its 140 km/h. I already reinstalled the game and also GT:MP and as you can see everything is on lowest settings, I try to reinstall the restributable stuff, but after that I have no idea what to do else. I also attached my DxDiag to the thread. I hope you guys can help me, thanks in advance.Evidence (optional): https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/threads/ctac-gawreylk-bug-exploiting.3181/https://streamable.com/kw84ghttps://streamable.com/v8ub3https://streamable.com/mn4ul




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