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Property Tax and/or maintenance fees on Houses

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I believe that all the real estate properties owned by characters should be subjected to a property tax and or maintenance (recurring hourly or daily). The property tax should go up drastically for the second or third house. and it should be directly cut from the character's account. If there is a similar system now, then the so called tax or penalty is too low.  The benefits of doing this would be:

1) People who have bought houses in the past and are not active would loose money over time and can go bankrupt. Their property could be auctioned as in real life. The community does not need people hoarding properties who don't play anymore.

2)  There is no incentive to rent or share the property once you have bought one. If you start loosing money, especially a lot on your second or third property, you might want to rent it out. 

3) Property rates wouldn't appreciate as they do now as people would be hesitant to buy multiple properties because they might start loosing too much money just maintaining them.


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I disagree, not everything can be like in real life. There is a balance to things, this is a game. I have bought 3 1g apartments for example and have been trying for awhile to offer rent prices to people but nobody is interested, so it doesn't work in paper only in theory. It would only make people suffer for people who are trying to do something with it. To punish homeowners to try share what they saved up to buy makes no sense to me.

Edited by DrizzyDre
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