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Crime Economy & Punishment rate

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For criminals, and I'm speaking for myself here, the options we have to make money are often monotonous and much less rewarding than faction work or even simple jobs for that matter, I have no problem with this fact, there is nothing wrong with requiring more work and dolling out less pay for crime, but for an individual like myself, not affiliated with a gang, being taxed at the chop, or robbed is enough to deal with, as well as dealing with the police, the only problem here for me, is that upon conviction you're paying 9,000$ in fines, probably 4 cars worth since gangs run chop, maybe my last 3 hours worth of work, and now im gonna be in jail for 120 mins? I think that's just a bit excessive on the receiving end of the punishment.

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I had plenty of fun even just being arrested, it was really cool to have an undercover cop pull up and act as if he was chopping his car, but 2 OOC hours for grand theft auto, on a grand theft auto roleplay server, seems extremely counterproductive, just needs to be slightly more balanced so that a criminal may continue to enjoy committing crimes, because honestly when you have to take a 2 hour timeout from the server it makes it disheartening to want to continue to grind as your criminal character. 45 minutes seems more reasonable to me.

Edited by kylesnd
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10 minutes ago, kylesnd said:

I had plenty of fun even just being arrested, it was really cool to have an undercover cop pull up and act as if he was chopping his car, but 2 OOC hours for grand theft auto, on a grand theft auto roleplay server, seems extremely counterproductive, just needs to be slightly more balanced so that a criminal may continue to enjoy committing crimes, because honestly when you have to take a 2 hour timeout from the server it makes it disheartening to want to continue to grind as your criminal character. 45 minutes seems more reasonable to me.

The criminality rp on server is just awful, everyone is just doing crimes, i would love if they would increase jail time for more (4 hours maybe) it would make high risk making crime. Because these days you cannot roleplay outside of NCZ, because someone will come and say "Hands up", IRL you not gonna be robbed every day, but in ECRP you can get robbed 5 times in one day, thats what makes me disappointed of this community, everyone just want easy stuff (guns or "money"). Even like new players, they comes here just to make crimes, "hands up" or shoot some people, NO QUALITY OF ROLEPLAY. I wish I could park my car outside of ncz for example in my driveway and go off for some time without having in mind that someone can steal, i am not saying no one gonna steal IRL, but there is like 90% that your car will be stolen in ECRP, even cheapest car in the server.

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4 hours ago, KeistuoliZ said:

The criminality rp on server is just awful, everyone is just doing crimes, i would love if they would increase jail time for more (4 hours maybe) it would make high risk making crime. Because these days you cannot roleplay outside of NCZ, because someone will come and say "Hands up", IRL you not gonna be robbed every day, but in ECRP you can get robbed 5 times in one day, thats what makes me disappointed of this community, everyone just want easy stuff (guns or "money"). Even like new players, they comes here just to make crimes, "hands up" or shoot some people, NO QUALITY OF ROLEPLAY. I wish I could park my car outside of ncz for example in my driveway and go off for some time without having in mind that someone can steal, i am not saying no one gonna steal IRL, but there is like 90% that your car will be stolen in ECRP, even cheapest car in the server.

I completely disagree, the entire game is crime based, so when you go and make a roleplay server, its common a lot of your players want to commit crimes, saying you can't roleplay outside of NCSz is such a stretch, being a criminal myself, most often there isn't any situation which benefits me to rob another person, considering the fact that most often people have no items on them other than a cheap radio, and even more often have no pocket money, being someone who goes to the chop and other dangerous POI's on the map, I usually get robbed about once a week, and most of them occur outside of LS completely, most often only gangs initiate these robberies because of their numbers, but they are in no way (in my opinion) occurring too often and if you've gotten robbed, 5 times in one day, in Los Santos, only doing legal activities, you have been a victim of extremely bad luck or have been targeted, stuff like that doesn't happen. And when it comes to the whole car scene, you literally support my argument, why do you think if you leave your car unattended and locked in a crime zone, even if it's cheap, it'll most likely be stolen within the hour, that is because the amount of options us criminals have to make money are so few and far between that it's usually our best and in my case my only option, robberies take two people, and drug labs require a team, i'm a solo guy. The issue here is there is not enough balance between legal and illegal activities, in my case playing I always run into plenty of RP outside of NCZ's. but for a solo criminal, whom is taxed at the shop, most often walking back to the city on foot, (cause we're runnin solo), getting 10 grand can take hours, so to be jailed for 2 hours and have a fine of 9000$ is almost a kick in the face, telling us to stop doing criminal activity on the server, which i'm sure nobody would want, if it got to the point where there was more legal activity then crime the server would cease to function, most often people would be getting injured much less giving the ems less calls to respond to, and police would have nothing to do. So supporting crime economy will only help RP on this server.

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