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Guest TomatoFarmer1

2 weeks

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Hi there TomatoFarmer1 and welcome to EclipseRP,

quoting Flucifial:

There have been a lot of applications coming in and we hope you can appreciate the time and effort our team puts into reviewing them. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Enjoy the rest of your day.

There are some 6k+ applications on queue, so that's where all that time goes. Please note, that you will be getting an email, no matter what. If you are a first time applicant, you will face waiting times of several weeks.


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 Hello, I am happy to see the interest you are showing in starting your play on our server.

Currently, we have a lot of applications coming every single day ( Approx. 1000 a day ) which makes the process slower then it was prior to the recent influx of people that are showing interest. I know what a lot of you are thinking " What if I contact one of the members of the staff and give them my account name maybe I can get my application reviewed faster " , well the thing is we do not see names of people who created the applications so please be patient and do not pm members of the staff regarding the applications . By the time someone is responding to the message, they could've been reviewing an application. Nobody will be left behind or get prioritized over you, applications are done in the order they have been submitted. Thank you for your patience, on behalf of the Eclipse Roleplay team I wish you a great stay and to enjoy every moment on it.

PS: You will be notified over email after your application has been review with your results ( approved/denied )

In the meantime, I suggest checking out the server guides subforum and also our discord for useful information that will make your stay and beginning easier and filled with ideas on what you can do or how to start! 🙂 If you have any questions there is a channel on our Discord specifically made for that reason called " #i_have_a_question " in which you can ask any questions you've got regarding the server and the community and one of the staff members will respond as soon as they can!

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