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Application denied with no reason given

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Just to be clear, this post is not me complaining about my application being denied.  I am new to RP and it is entirely possible, if not likely, that I misunderstood or failed to properly explain a rule and/or scenario in my application.  What this post is about this the fact that I received no explanation as to why my application was denied.  My email states:


"Dear Confuzzly,

We must inform you, that your ECLIPSE Roleplay application requires further improvement, reason: ""

You are welcomed to make another attempt at the application process once your account cooldown has expired. We have attached a list of useful links, to help you find the required information."


This same "reason" was provided in game as well.


Obviously this is an honest mistake by whoever reviewed my application.  Unfortunately, this doesn't really make this any less frustrating for me.  I have been patiently waiting for my application to be reviewed knowing that there was a chance I would not get accepted.  However, I was under the assumption that if I was denied, I would at least be closer to being able to play on the server.  Instead, after over a week of waiting, I am no closer to playing than I was when I first submitted the application and no more knowledgeable about RP than I was when I got 10/10 on the quiz.


I don't know how best to proceed at this point.  As far as I know, the applications are anonymous.  This suggests that it isn't feasible for any staff to re-review my application and provide feedback.  So from where I sit, my only choice is to resubmit my application with the same apparent misunderstanding(s) I have now -> Wait over week until I am likely denied for the same mysterious reason -> Hopefully be given an actual reason -> Fix the problem and submit a third time ->  Wait another week or more and hopefully get accepted. 

Is this really my only choice?  I have to admit I am not particularly enthusiastic about that option.


I apologize if this post comes off as angry, mean, rude, entitled, or any other similar negative adjectives.  I am not trying to blame anyone.  I cannot imagine how nuts this past week or so has been for the staff here.  No one could have reasonably prepared for this influx of new players and mistakes happen.  I am just frustrated at the situation, and this post is likely just therapy for me. 


So thanks for reading my crazed rant, and have a nice day.






Edited by Confuzzly
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You are welcomed to make another attempt at the application process once your account cooldown has expired. We have attached a list of useful links, to help you find the required information."


This line basicly tells you "We have attached a list of useful links, to help you find the required information."  this says to me that basicly you didnt have the correct information and you need to read the links and get the correct information for the quiz.

My advice would be to take your time doing it read the links sent and hope you will pass next time.

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6 minutes ago, Stephen Black said:

You are welcomed to make another attempt at the application process once your account cooldown has expired. We have attached a list of useful links, to help you find the required information."


This line basicly tells you "We have attached a list of useful links, to help you find the required information."  this says to me that basicly you didnt have the correct information and you need to read the links and get the correct information for the quiz.

My advice would be to take your time doing it read the links sent and hope you will pass next time.

But when you do applications and they are rejected, you will usually get a response inbetween the speech marks where there should be a reason.

So if you failed a question on say, powergaming, the reason would be something like "You need to re-read the rules on Powergaming for the scenario XXX". The player would THEN go to the attached list of useful links, and would have direction to what he actually failed on, so he can research and redo the application.  The player is wondering where they need to brush up, no point in going over every single rule again if its a minor discrepancy which caused the rejection. I was rejected and my email response had detailed reasons, I think you have just been unlucky like you say, with the work the staff are doing and the amount of applications mistakes are bound to happen. Hope to see you in LS soon anyway!

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I waited for over two weeks from when i submitted a application just to get the same " application requires further improvement...re-read rules and guidelines " response, i get that GTA V RP is kind of a hot thing right now with a lot of streamers getting into it and bringing an influx of players. however it's a little disheartening spending over 6 hours working on my application and reading through server rules multiple times just to be denied with no clear reason listed.
I have dyslexia so long written form tests like are extra stressful for me, not to mention that I had to have a friend proof read my answers just to make sure everything was kosher and will have to do so again if i decide to try again.

from what I've read on other forums i should just be be patient and be prepared to apply up to 5-6 times before getting accepted, but that sounds almost nightmarish given my circumstances/current wait times and i'm just not sure i wanna put myself through that.

I absolutely love role playing, been an avid DnD player since i was introduced to it and i saw GTA as a new avenue to have some good fun doing just that, but i'm genuinely pretty discouraged. I just wish i was given more specifics as to why i was denied since the response kinda just felt like someone skimmed it and went "eh, nah" or was denied for a nitpicky reason just because of the amount of people applying.

maybe i'm missing something big or my application was genuinely bad? kinda hard to say given the feedback.

in any case much like op i'm kinda just venting, i guess i'm just wondering if its worth reapplying...? if it is, should i wait a few months for the hype to die off a bit..? 

Edited by Abhorrable
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