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John Sanchez

Attempting to Connect,

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Issue Being Reported:

I recently tried joining Eclipse role play servers today, I followed all the steps until i got to pressing the 'connect' button in the RAGE Multiplayer Client (under 'direct connect'). I click it and it looks like everything is start up and it even brings me to a new world where it probability wants to start downloading the packages. This is where my issue occurs, once i join the world i get a 'Multiplayer Started' and about 5 seconds later I start getting 'RAGE MP: Can't join server. Trying again...'. 


What  I have done:

1. I turned off my firewall.

2. Ran Rage Multiplayer as admin

3. I opened the PORT it is running off of. (Although I don't think i should need to do this) 

Date and Time of Issue (provide timezone): 

6:40pm Eastern Slandered Time. 17th of March

Your characters name: John Sanchez (Although I have yet to get on the server) 

Other player(s) involved: N/A

Evidence and/or notes worth mentioning: 

1. Running Windows 10

2. GTA is installed on Steam


Thank you!

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I heard that if you get stuck in a reconnecting loop, you should try this:

Wait for the boxes on the lower left to pop up, and once they do, open an overlay for 20 seconds (overlay being either Steam or Rockstar Social)

Not quite sure if this works, because I didn't have this problem, but I have read that it works. Hope this works for you.

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