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Vitaly Gorbachev

Selling stolen vehicles - not chopped

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Sorry if suggestion has been made 100 times.


The ability to sell a stolen vehicle with the engine and doors in tact. 

How it works:

The NPC vehicles have GPS included as a "Tracker".
You have to remove the tracker.
In order to sell the vehicle, the tracker has to have been removed for at least 10 minutes.
Once the tracker is removed, the vehicle is immediately reported as stolen and a 911 call is made on behalf of the tracking service with all the details of the vehicle. 
The tracking call is also directed at the last location of the tracker in use, allowing for law enforcement to respond to the area the vehicle was last tracked.
Dealers are at the scrapyard, same dude who sells the stolen vehicles (additional scrapyard in Metro required, plus one in Paleto/Sandy)

((50 tick cars - $2500 - $4000 | 45 tick cars - $5000 - $6500 | 40 tick cars - $7000 - $9000 | 35 tick cars - $12000 - $14000))

How this will assist in RP:

The cops will be able to create a bolo for the vehicle as removing the tracker will scriptly trigger a 911 call from the insurance/tracking company who has all the details of the car. The suspicious car dealers should be scarce, perhaps the scrapyard dealers, and add another scrapyard somewhere, perhaps Cypress Flats area.

-Cops will be alerted to the last known position of the vehicle by the tracking company, allowing for a search of the area to take place, engaging more RP.
-Cops would also be able to respond to a stolen vehicle by staking out at the suspicious dealer that is known for buying stolen vehicles (scrapyard dealers | 2 x in city | 1 x in Sandy/Paleto)
-The thief now has to either stash, or find a secluded spot to wait out the timer. The dealer will not accept the car before 10 minutes, as it is considered "hot" still. The thief is responsible to time it. 

What will be needed as QOL improvement in dev process:

- Add ability to sell a stolen NPC vehicle to a scrapyard dealer

- Add another scrapyard in Los Santos, plus an additional in Paleto/Sandy

- Increase car spawns (marginally)

- Add removeable GPS in glove compartment OR add a new item, tracking device. 

- Script the scrapyard sale to pickup NPC vehicles within the area, sale can be made by anyone within range of the buyer and the vehicle, allowing for criminals to rob other criminals attempting to make a sale.

- Script a timer for Scrapyard sale legitimacy

- Script in removable of GPS triggering Tracker company 911 call with all vehicle details posted immediately. (possibly add automated bolo)

- Script in a warning system or alarm trigger when the GPS has been removed to indicate to the criminal that their car is now hot.

- Possibly look into allowing criminals to get a paint job on a stolen vehicle that has not yet had its tracker removed OR a shady mechanic shop that can give you a random paint coat at the cost of $500 (similar to the auto car wash)


Edited by Vitaly Gorbachev
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1. The prices and times seem comparable to half chops/carjack chops, plus you dont have to purchase and hold onto tools beyond pick and hotwire.

What, if i may ask would happen to half chops were this implemented?

2. So the cops can rply camp the dealers? This dosent sound very good...basically the cops just have to position one cruiser at each dealer within 10 minutes and its checkmate, except for the fact the cop just has to sit there. Does this mean crims will just stockpile a bunch of local cars before bombing it to a dealer themselves an hour later? Sounds boring and tedius on Second thoughts i think id rather just chop the car.


I do want to be able to do more things to local cars but i dont think this is quite it.

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The only way i could see this as viable is if the price you got for an un chopped local car was vastly less then a chopped one. Otherwise people would just do this to get it done faster.

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