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Nikki Smith

Summoned car temporary unlocked status bug

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Date and time (provide timezone): 6:26 CDT

Character name: Nikki Smith

Issue/bug you are reporting: Car becomes temporarily unlocked and able to be stolen from when summoned. I lost a Car Jack, Lug Wrench, and 4K Worth of Clothes because 3 people abused this and stole from my car while it was loading for me. 

Expected behavior:  For the car to be locked on the server side when the car is still loading for the client who summoned it. 

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Somehow make it so your device will load the game slower than the server, summon a car from your garage, and hopefully the car summoned will be unlocked until the car loads on the owner's client. I lost a car jack, lug wrench and 4K worth of clothes and its gonna take me forever to get those back. I want to get those items but the only way now is if a moderator gives me those items in game, since the users who stole it quit immediately after.

Vehicle license plate number*G18X2MFY

Edited by Nikki Smith
added another detail.
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