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Make drunk driving fun!

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I have been a long-standing member of the community, and have yet to put in any productive feedback via forums… that being said, I’d like to get some feedback on revamping the drunk driving script. The current script is alright but I believe after the recent drug affect changes there could also be room for improvement in drunk driving. The current script to me seems rather lackluster, swinging your car to the left and right, hoping you don't mow down the nearest crossing guard or tree. I believe that maybe some creativity could be worked into the script, with eyes being messed up when you enter the car, trouble starting your car, or honestly, any sort of addition other than driving wild. 


Hopefully, this reaches the right audience and some proper feedback will be added below, creating some more fun for our fellow drunk drivers out there, cheers and drive irresponsibly (IC).

Edited by MortalisHG
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instead of random swerving, it should be random pop up quick timer events ( this results in brief loss of control of the vehicle)

based on your intoxication level, adding more events to do, and the frequency of the events. This would result in the ability to still drink and drive, but have a proper ability to counteract it while still displaying you are intoxicated.

The more quick time events you have to do not only decreases your speed since you are no longer accelerating, but also prevents you from turning your vehicles.


IRL, this would almost be the equivalent of blacking out.

There should also be a single quick time event when attempting to turn in the car, showing your intoxication by struggle to get the key into the ignition.


I feel like this would promote further RP between Crims, Legals and LEOs, without inciting over dramatic shootouts or violence that's sadly becoming the norm.

Edited by Nathaniel Shenheizer
edit for typos
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